Snowden, Patriot | Is anyone else an actual patriot? |
The Seattle Viaduct: Fill it, don't Kill it. | An old polemic in a long lost political fight. |
Gun Lessons | Mass murders in our gun-crazy society might suggest we think about it a little, instead of not. |
Explaining the Mystery of Election Parity | An essay after the Bush/Gore fiasco in 2000, describing a dystopian vision
of a static American polity bound to serve corporate interests in a
2 party duopoly, with seemingly little hope of change. Comparing this Y2K perspective, so crystalline, with the remarkable 2016 Trump disruption, makes for a curious read. Premonitions here include (1) that it DID require a wealthy candidate to spurn corporate funding and change things around, (2) that a new 3rd party that I then called 'Spin' DID emerge, and (3) that the forces behind the 2 party system DID arise to crush things back into duopoly again. (Unforeseen comes realignment of the right from Buckley or Reagan conservatism to reality-show populism, powered by internet rage-o-holism, structured by information-siloing and personality-siloing, bound into a cognitive space of parallel, alternative-facts universes of convenience, and poisoned by a rhetoric of trollery.) |
Easy Taxes vs the Capital Gains Tax Loophole | Against the wrong and stupid tax cut that you get for not working. Every taxpaying voter should know about this, and get rid of it. |
A Table of Dictators | A partial listing of murderous dictatorships that the US has (that you and I have) paid for over the years |
Bullets for Dictators | An argument for activism in fighting dictators |
Psychology of Teen Smoking | and how to prevent it |
How are we doing? | From Roman democracy, we have come a long way. |
EQ-test the police! | Cop = Social worker plus gun, not soldier plus rules of engagement. The character you hire for will be the character of your cop community. So let's stop hiring emotional retards. |
Starting a web log, 20 years late. | Every day is the same day, today. So why would anyone care what you said relative to just one of them? Yet, sclerotic with self-importance, we do. |
Identity | An argument against all identities, not just in politics. |
Celebrating the Millenium | Hear hear, let's have another! |
Philosophical Introspections | In defense of introspection. |
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