Hypersort, a Bit-Permuting Monotonic Sort

in response to Perlis

On Mou
on Divide and Conquer


In this response to Perlis, there should be B! versions of monotonic sort for a relative array V of length 2^B, each using a different permutation of the sequence of dividing bits. In addition, since postadjust with Left-Right division and combination is identical operationally to preadjust with Even-Odd, for each permutation P its reverse-ordered permutation P' used to sequence the levels of a preadjustment will do the same operations as P does in a postadjustment.

We may consider the unpermuted permutation as P = [0 .. B-1] with 0 understood as the least significant bit in a sequential address within V. Then in left-right division, the sequence of dividing bits picks the last first, and generally steps backward from the end for each successive division. On the other hand in left-right combination the sequence is the same but the step direction opposite, the dividing bit counts forward from 0 to B-1 since the promise of a combination is not finally computed until after all levels of division are complete, that is, at d=0.


In divacon notation, Mou's Monotonic sort algorithm is: $$ \begin{align} sort = & PDC(d_{lr},c_{lr},id, & nest : (min!,max!) : \#!mirr, & atom? id) \\ nest = & PDC(d_{lr},c_{lr}, (!min,!max) : \#!corr, & id, & atom? id) \\ \end{align} $$ A Divacon, a.k.a. PDC, or parallel divide-and-conquer function, is specified using six elements most of which are from a small vocabulary of operations. At each of B levels a vector of input data of length 2^{B} is subdivided in half using, in this case, left-right division, and later after division can proceed no further, and after the base predicate is done, and postadjustment is also complete at each level, results are combined together using left right combination.

This can be visualized as a computation graph comprising two binary trees with leaf nodes attached; computation proceeds from a root node examining the entire input data vector, down a level at a time dividing the input data vector in half and perhaps carrying out a preadjustment on that vector, finally reaching the leaf nodes which pass the base predicate since they are finally atomic vectors. At that leaf level the data in each computation node is converted into the output data type using the base function, in this case \(f_b = id\), meaning no change. Continuing onto the combining tree, the computation applies a postadjustment, then a combine operation. Adjusting and combining B times, we come to a final result which is the output of the PDC.

In Mou's Monotonic Sort, the top level PDC or parallel-recursion uses mirror communication while the nested PDC uses correspondent communication.


Communication retrieves a copy of an element to its communicating partner.

In a now-divided, or may I say, sub, array, each element has a partner in the other related array. The partner in the case of correspondent communication has the identical index but in the related array. When communication is bidirectional (the ! in #!mirr or #!corr indicates bidirectionality) then obviously both have the same index. On the other hand in the case of mirror communication, the communicating elements have indices each being the binary complement of the other. As an example 000 mirror-communicates with 111, because the complement of each 0 is a 1.

Conceptually speaking, with respect to the parent array, a dividing bit is removed from its indexes while sending its values to the address of the remainder of their indexes, to the left or to the right sub-arrays according as the dividing bit value is zero or one. Left right division removes the most-significant bit, while even-odd division removes the least significant bit. In actual implementation, nothing necessarily moves anywhere, but the variable keeping track of the dividing bit is adjusted.

#!corr communicates with the element of the same address in the related array. i=i
#!mirr communicates with the element of the opposite address in the related array. i=!i

My point in hypersort is that the dividing bits need not be taken out and put back in a particular counting order, but could be according to any permutation of the bits.

Let permuteAddress(a,P,B) return a', a copy of a with same number of bits B, but with the bits of A permuted according to P. That is, considering each of a and a' as an array of bits indexed 0 to B-1 from least to most significant and P as an array of B bit indexes (0 to B-1 but in any order), then a'[P[i]] = a[i] for i in 0..B-1.

Let permuteVector(V,P) return V', a copy of V with the same number of elements V'.L = V.L, and the same set of elements as V but for each address a in V the value of V at address a, V[a], is at address a' = permuteAddress(a,P,V.B) in V'.

foreach (a in 0..V.L-1) V'[permuteAddress(a,P,B)] = V[a];

It may be noticed that V' has the same information as V, but in a address-bit-permuted order. There are B! such equivalent permutations and therefore B! equivalent versions of V. I think of these not as rotations of V since rotation implies conversion of 1's to 0's and vice versa. Rather these are hypercube revectorings.

From each corner, say 0, there are B dimensions each to another corner having an address identical to 0 except with the opposite bit (here 1) in that ...


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Created: December 22, 2024