Zhijing George Mou keeps returning to a central
idea, the deceptively simple and but unimaginably powerful concept
of the bit. He has found worlds in it. 0 or 1, that's a bit. But then provide yourself with a sequence of them, you have a set of (unsigned, binary) numbers. 00 01 10 11 are the numbers 0 1 2 3 in binary. You knew that already. But there are amazing ramifications of this simple idea.
StorageConsider storage: One such binary number might be the count of entries that have been jammed into a dictionary or at least into a sorted array. Track what happens to the bits when you add one to the count (if the count is a binary number) and build corresponding data vectors and operations to hold values in arrays of sizes, each the next power of 2. The result is the Black White Array.
Parallel CommunicationsOr consider communications on a mesh of parallel processors, each with its address as a binary number like this, and each connected to single-bit-adjacent processors. So 00 would be connected to 01 and to 10 directly (but in different dimensions, that is, by changing a different bit), and 11 similarly to 10 and 01, because you just change a single bit and that should be directly connected. Now all the processors with a 0 in a bit, for example, are connected to and can communicate directly with a different processor with the same address but a 1 in that bit, in unit time. If there are \(m\) bits in the processor address space (and \(2^m\) processors), then any processor can send a message to all the others in \(m\) time steps, which is 10x faster than what Thinking Machines bet the company on in the early 1990s, and 5x faster than NCube.The point is, a bit in an address space picks out half the addresses, and establishes a correspondence between halves by swapping that bit's value. If you do that just \(m\) times you can send from anywhere to anywhere or from anywhere to everywhere.
To be extra clear, swapping a bit could be done in different contexts, with interesting ramifications. Data ParallelismOr consider data parallelism. A vector of \(2^m\) data points can be divided into left and right halves using the most-significant bit of their indexes, or into even and odd halves using the least significant bit of their indexes, or repeatedly into left and right (or even and odd) quarters and eighths etc until exhaustion by going down or up the bits of the indexes. Then they can be combined together using the opposite order, to get back to the beginning. If subvectors of data are communicated at each division or combination, then a parallel process can operate on the division or the combination with exactly and only the data needed in parallel. Just draw them out by hand and you'll see.
Process ParallelismConsider process parallelism. If the data is onesies that would be either (1) the even-odd on the dividing operation, or (2) the left-right on the combining operation. The same pairs handled in the same order by the same adjust function, would yield the same results.Draw them out, like this:
Thus an even-odd preadjust PDC is equivalent to a left-right postadjust PDC, and as an example the so-called decimation in time FFT and decimation in frequency FFT algorithms are actually the same algorithm and should be treated as such although this is not so in Numerical Recipes or elsewhere.
Space: GIS, Robotics, SLAMConsider multi-dimensional domain (e.g. spatial) representation and search. The Dimensional Shuffle Transform is another ingenious ramification of the idea of the bit sequence. What are the bits in a 3D spatial location, that is, a triple of X,Y,Z indexes? What if you shuffle those bits, taking the most significant from each first, then the second most significant from each after that, etc. Then you have a single 1D binary number of 3x as many bits as the original indexes, and which contains the same information but which now maintains locality: identifiers which share a prefix are both in some corner, some subset, an octant or sub*octant of the 3D space. Hence spatial search reduces to 1D search, which will multiply the efficiency of all space-related algorithms such as SLAM, robotics, etc.
SummaryTo summarize: by developing a simple, indeed trivial and obvious, idea, applied to the different primary problems in theoretical computer science, you can achieve, trivially, what mere humans find impossibly complex. If you are reading this, perhaps it will be less than centuries before Mou is recognized as peer to, as the greatest son of, Turing, Von Neumann, Tukey, and Perlis.