Introduction to FFT

and its parallel implementation in Divacon

On Mou
on Divide and Conquer

In studying George Mou's Divacon system for Divide-and-Conquer parallelization of computer algorithms, I thought I'd give myself the homework of using it to implement the FFT.

George says his parallelized version of the FFT is written in three lines of Divacon code. Whereas when I wrote my FFT programs in grad school and again later in integer-only code for Sprex, it took me several pages. So I am taking this as a challenge: Can I follow George's footsteps?

Let's see if we can invent a PDC-FFT together. First the discrete Fourier Transform (O(n^2)), then the Fast FT (O(n*log(n)), and finally a Parallel FT (O(log(n)).

The Discrete Fourier Transform

Let's start with the discrete Fourier Transform equation, then break it down understandably. If this is too slow for you please just read the equations, but I want to explain it so that even I can understand it, and if I can then surely you can too. Here goes:

For \(b\ in\ 0..(N/2)-1 \), let

\(DFT(b,N,X) = \large\sum_{s=0}^{N-1} X_s * e^{isTb/N}\)

Let's take this apart:

That concludes the breakdown of the DFT expression above. Make sense? I mean, you can do the arithmetic now, right? The meaning and interpretation come next, and you are all plumbed up and ready for that now.

To summarize so far, this sum gives us a complex (real + imaginary) number, \(x_b+iy_b\) called the Fourier-transform of X for a certain bend count, \(b\) which is to say a logical frequency component. That point in radial coordinates tells us the size \(r_b\) and angle-shift ("phase") \(\theta_b\) of that summed frequency component in the sampled signal values in our data array. As a point in the imaginary plane, it is typically not on the unit circle. But its angle from \(\theta=0\) at position \((1,0)\) to \(\theta_b\) is what we will call the phase shift of the sinusoid component that the formula has detected, and the length of the vector from 0,0 to that point, \(r_b\) is the magnitude of that sinusoid component.

DFT Interpretation

Fourier's Transform is a kind of a miracle, and I have spent many hours for four decades contemplating it, so you also might take some time to get it all. It's normally taught using \(e^{ijk2\pi/N}\) which is incomprehensible to me just because I get \(j\) and \(k\) confused, so maybe using \(e^{isTb/N}\) will make more sense since we use \(s\) for sample number and \(b\) for bend count. Don't you just love counting in bends?!

So one thing is for you to understand how to calculate it, and by now it should be feeling friendly to you, and the other thing is, it's also good to develop some intuitions of what the results mean.

So a given output of the formula will be based on a particular value of \(b\), and to think geometrically, it is created by wrapping the samples around the unit circle at a certain pace, faster in order to finish more bends by the end, whatever \(b\) is, and then given that alignment of samples to angles (or you could say scaling of angles by samples), adding them up.

If at 0 bends this sum is large then the signal has a constant bias, a.k.a. Direct-Current or DC offset. Oftentimes signal processing algorithms will subtract the DC component from all the samples considering it an artifact of the voltage settings of the machinery and uninformative of the sound wave or other tracked signal, which if it were interesting would be changing.

If at 1 bend the sum is large, then the signal contains an ultra-bass, a lowest-measureable-frequency signal component. Why? If the samples now pointing in all directions added up to zero then they just cancel each other and yield nothing for that bend-count, neither in total nor on average. There is nothing there, at that \(b\)-specific pace.

But if they don't cancel out, like in some direction they add up like positive numbers do, but in this case they are positive vectors in some general direction, whereas in the opposite direction they are adding in negatives to the sum, well, think about those negatives, they are negatives to the anti-positive direction and they make a double negative, which means they reinforce the positive-direction parts of the sum, and the total sum thus accumulated if it is far from zero, it reveals a substantial signal component at the particular bend count you were using to step around the circle.

That's the idea of wave analysis, waves have peaks and troughs, and when you wrap them around the circle the troughs being negatives on the other side of the circle they add to the peaks, but only at that bend count at which they line up together. The correlation of both peaks and valleys gives a nice big sum when they are lined up at the right pace around the unit circle. And that means the signal has a significant sinusoidal signal component at that frequency. Cool and amazing, right? I think so.

Finally if you go \((N/2) -1\) bends around the unit circle for each sample step, aligning samples X[0] to X[N-1] to their corresponding s'th-step unit vector and scaling them and adding them all together, that is a way to detect if there is a very high frequency component in your signal. If every even sample you go positive and every odd sample you go negative, or vice versa, at least enough to affect the total sum of them all, then you will end up with a large, high frequency, signal component. Curiously, if you went beyond N/2 - 1 bends to even higher frequencies, the system stops making sense because the alignments start to wrap around and overlap with previous frequencies and you don't get new information. (The similar Nyquist frequency concept says you need two points for every sine wave's peak and trough, here we have half as many frequencies as points. So we will stop at \(b \le \large \frac{N}{2} - 1\).)

I can't stop saying how this frequency analysis thing is super cool and amazing:

(That was Fourier's theorem, smart guy.)


Now we have a strong idea, it's time to make it a fast strong idea. NFL Lineman style. Except the NFL has nothing on the FFT, the speedups are by large multiples, not a few tenths of a second or seconds. Last night I sped up the FFT by a multiple of at least 500, by doing my Parallel Divide-and-Conquer homework for George Mou. So forget the NFL and write Parallel Algorithms!

Did I mention, Fourier's (1807) Transform seems to have been predated by Gauss' (est. 1805) unpublished work, which tripled Fourier's achievement including not only (1) the idea of this samples-in-time to amplitudes-in-frequency transformation but also (2) the discrete version of it and (3) an efficient method for calculating it, equivalent to what is today called decimation-in-frequency FFT on real samples. Poor Gauss, he of course invented plenty of stuff, but this particular genius idea of his was forgotten and reinvented and finally only made popular by Cooley and Tukey (1965) when it was needed for detecting underground nuclear testing in the Cold War, so I've read. But it's way, Way, WAY worse: at least 11 other authors found ways of doing the same basic thing, whether restricted to sample counts that are factors of 2, or prime factorable, or etc. including the we-only-ignored-you-for-23-years Danielson and Lanczos (1942), whose lemma is used to derive the following (after Press et al, Numerical Recipes):

First, we need to know that Mou's beautiful, even-odd vector division notation, \(d_{eo} X\) can be clumsily written in traditional math form, dividing vector X into evens and odds by letting \(s=0\ \ ..\frac{N}{2}-1, even=2s, odd=2s+1\).

Second, let "step" \(S = S_b = e^{iTb/N}\); so \(S^n\) rotates n steps and \(S^N\) rotates \(b\) bends. (If N is very very large like millions or billions, then maybe \(S_1\) is almost indistinguishable from 1, yielding numerical instability in calculating its powers. In that case, keep a bigger S around with its built in exponent, say 10^5 or whatever, for accurate calculations of \((e^{iT/N})^{sb}\).)

Then follow this derivation:

\(F_{b,N} X\) \( = \large\sum_{s=0}^{N-1} X_s * S^s \)
\( = \large\sum_{s=0}^{\frac{N}{2}-1} X_{2s} * S^{2s}\)\(\ \ +\ \large\sum_{s=0}^{\frac{N}{2}-1} X_{(2s+1)} * S^{(2s+1)}\)
\( =\ \ \ \ \ "\ \ \)\(\ \ +\ \large\sum_{s=0}^{\frac{N}{2}-1} X_{(2s+1)} * S * S^{(2s)}\)
\( = \large F_{b,\frac{N}{2}} X_{even} \)\(\ \ +\ \large S * F_{b,\frac{N}{2}} X_{odds}\)

But if you prefer using \(e^{i\theta}\) notation to \(S\), you can follow through this derivation of the same thing:

\(F_{b,N} X\) \( = \large\sum_{s=0}^{N-1} X_s * e^{isTb/N} \)
\( = \large\sum_{s=0}^{\frac{N}{2}-1} X_{2s} * e^{i{2s}Tb/N}\)\(\ \ +\ \large\sum_{s=0}^{\frac{N}{2}-1} X_{(2s+1)} * e^{i(2s+1)Tb/N}\)
\( = F_{b,\frac{N}{2}} X_{even} \)\(\ \ +\ \large\sum_{s=0}^{\frac{N}{2}-1} X_{(2s+1)} * e^{iTb/N} * e^{isTb/(N/2)}\)
\( = F_{b,\frac{N}{2}} X_{even} \)\(\ \ +\ e^{iTb/N} * F_{b,\frac{N}{2}} X_{odds}\)

FFT using Divacon: PDC FT_b in O(log(N))

A brief treatment is here; longer explanation is here:
\(PFT_b = PDC(divide=d_{eo},\ combine=id,\ preadjust=(self,b=2b), postadjust=(other*e^{iTb/N}\ +\ self),\ basepred=atom?,\ basefunc=id)\)


\(PDC\ FT\) in O(log(N))

So far so good, but I'd like to do all the frequencies not just one, also in O(log(N)) time. How? Perlis has a hint in his Turing Award talk (ACM V 14 No 1, 1967), p 5-6:
"I have mentioned that procedure identifiers are initialized through declaration. Then the attachment of procedure to identifier can be changed by assignment. I have already mentioned how this can be done by means of [function] pointers. There are, of course, other ways. The simplest is not to change the identifier at all, but rather to have a selection index that picks a procedure out of a set. The initialization now defines an array of forms, e.g., procedure array P [1:j] (f1, f2,... ,fj); ... The call P [i] (al, a2, . .., aj) would select the ith procedure body for execution. Or one could define a procedure switch P:= A, B, C and procedure designational expressions so that the above call would select the ith procedure designational expression for execution. The above approaches are too static for some applications and they lack an important property of assignment: the ability to determine when an assigned form is no longer accessible, so that its storage may be otherwise used. A possible application for such procedures, i.e., ones that are dynamically assigned, is as generators. Suppose we have a procedure computing (a) \(large \sum_{k=0}{N} C_k(N) X^k\) as an approximation to some function (b) f(x)= \(large \sum_{k=0}{\inf} C_k X^k\), when the integer N is specified. Now once having found the \(C_k(N)\), we are merely interested in evaluating (a) for different values of \(x\). We might then wish to define a procedure which prepares (a) from (b). This procedure, on its initial execution, assigns, either to itself or to some other identifier, the procedure which computes (a). Subsequent calls on that identifier will only yield this created computation." (p 5-6)

Perlis' suggestion seems very close to the incremented-base-step adjustment of the functions \(F_b\) of a multi-frequency optimized parallel Fourier Transform. The parallel breakdown of the function creation seems obvious: a log(N) decomposition of the calculation of base steps.

Let's try generating all base steps \(S_b = e^{iTb/N}\) in \(log(N/2)\) steps:

\(S_1 = \)\(e^{iT/N}\)
\(S[] = \)doubleshift \(Ss \) // calculate base step Ss in log N time.
where doubleshift \( Ss = \)atom\(?\ \ \ (\ 1\ S\ )\) // base case
else \(\ \ \ \ \ \ (\ Ss\ !(\ S_1\ *\ ((last\ 0)\ Ss))\ Ss\ )\)// retain all Ss on the left half, increment copies on the right


\(PDCFT[b] X = PDC(d_{eo},c_{eo},id,ma(Ss[b]),atom?,id) X\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \) // calculate \(F_{S_b}\) in \(log(N)\) time, in parallel for each \(b\).


The previous section is nice, but its whole computation of \(S_b\) values is actually independent of the data so it could be precalculated once for a given N and stored for multiple later uses.

So you could choose to accept my claim \(PFT\ \sim\ O(log(N))\) because \(S_b\)'s are precalculated, or you could choose to believe it because in the curious math of computational complexity, \(O(2*log(N)) = O(log(N))\), as they say, "within a constant factor". In either case I was shocked to discover I had reduced a 1024 point DFT (to take a typical audio analysis frame size) from the well-known FFT time of \(O(N * log(N)) = O(1024*10)\) to this amazing PFT time of \(O(log(N)) = O(10)\). A 1000X speedup is shocking. In fact I didn't believe it, before I forced myself to imagine 1000 processors working on it together. Edible piranhas indeed. Typical of George, he said laconically of this Divacon expression, "Looks right to me", and of the speed result, "Of course, order log N in parallel". He knew it already and was not the least surprised, yet my Google searches only find NVidia itself, and some Israeli computer scientists in 2023, as saying that this is even an imaginable goal. So I'm confused if I deserve a Satisfactory for my homework, or a Turing Award for out-Gaussing Gauss himself. Does anyone else find this amusing?

A few more speedups might be worth mentioning. If we do calculate the \(S_b\)'s, then the application of PFT[b] may be started as soon as its corresponding \(S_b\) is calculated, so that only the last of the former must be so delayed as to start only after the final result of the latter; staggered early start might save some parallel-computation nodes' time before the last come in. Also if you happen to only care about getting initial (lower-frequency) results from the analysis, you could stop at any specified discard threshold, and save a fraction of the time.

To reiterate, if fully parallelized then the N functions \(PFT_b\) are, first, themselves generated in log(N) time if not precalculated entirely, and second, applied to the sampled data vector X in log(N) time. Hence the entire vector of frequencies F is calculated in O(2*log(N)) = O(log(N)) time. There are a lot of multiply adds going on, but they are done in parallel in a small number, log(n), of levels, and each level takes time O(1).

From what little I know, I believe this Parallel Divacon Fourier Transform algorithm is the fastest Fast Fourier Transform algorithm. My academic friends gently correct me, saying No, FFT is O(N*log(N), but yes, that is incorrect where parallel. I found a 2023 ArXiv reference that also claims O(log(N)) speed for an FFT, but that is a pretty complex paper, and was my 12-symbol PFT homework really that fancy? No. That references in turn refers to NVidia's efforts to beat O(n log(N)) with its GPUs. Apparently O(log(N)) is actually newsworthy. I'll take it.

On the other hand, this analysis ignores any cost for plenty of processors, and assumes zero time cost for communications, which actually becomes a dominant factor in highly parallel computing.


John Backus 1977 Turing Lecture.

H. BURKHARDT,"Trigonometrische Interpolation," in Chapter 9, Encyklopiidie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol. 2, part 1, 1st half, 1899-1916.

H. BURKHARDT,"Trigonometrische Reihenund Integrale(bis etwa 1850)," in Chap- ter 12, Encyklopiidie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften,vol. 2, part 1, 2nd half, 1904-1916.

J. W. COOLEY & J. W. TUKEY, "An Algorithm for the Machine Calculation of Complex Fourier Series," Math. Comput., Vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 297-301, Reprinted in Digital SignalProcessing,ed.L. R.RABINER& C. M. RADER,pp.223-227,New York: IEEE Press,1972,Apr. 1965.

C. F. Gauss, "Nachlass, Theoria InterpolationisMethodo Nova Tractata," in Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke, Band 3, Koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften: Gottingen, pp. 265-330, 1866.

MICHAEL T. HEIDEMAN, DON H. JOHNSON, C. SIDNEY BURRUS "Gauss and the History of the Fast Fourier Transform", 1985. Rice U Eng. Dept.

Orian Leitersdorf, Yahav Boneh, Gonen Gazit, Ronny Ronen, Shahar Kvatinsky, FourierPIM: High-Throughput In-Memory Fast Fourier Transform and Polynomial Multiplication Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 3200003, Israel. ArXiv 2304.02336v1 [cs.AR] 5 Apr 2023. Alan Perlis, The Synthesis of Algorithmic Systems, The 1st Turing Lecture. (ACM V 14 No 1, 1967).

Zhijing George Mou, A Formal Model for Divide-and-Conquer and Its Parallel Realization, May 1990, Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-795.

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Created: June 13, 2024; Modified June 17, 2024