An Innovation in Literacy

Tamil has no distinctive voicing among its consonants. The pairs, /p,b/, /t,d/, /k,g/, /s,z/ etc. are not distinguished.

So the Tamil consonant chart is two dimensional: place of articulation, yes, manner of articulation, yes, but voicing? No.

Simplified, the chart might be more understandable.

Could it be even more simplified? Yes, by replacing the Latin vocabulary of labial, fricative, etc., with even simplified cartoon line drawings of the vocal tract and what is going on in it to make each of the sounds of a given language. Then instead of limiting the chart to college linguistics students, it becomes accessible to all.

(Intellectual accessibility equals inclusion of even diverse audiences, leading to greater achievement among the otherwise-less-achieving.)

Really, to all? What is the target audience for this useful innovation?

Read on.

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Created: May 16, 2024