Tom Veatch

Flames of inspiration often leave smoke signals behind.
From mine, these.


Human Evolution

Logic constrains biology, biology constrains us, and yet we think and speak and feel. How did we get here, then, and what parts came in what order? This was a lot of fun to write. Includes Tautology, and Cognitive Biology, and Conceptual Archeology.

Foundations of Future AI

Towards a New Cognitive Science

Temperament, Conflict, and Love

... because everyone has them ...

A Myers-Briggs/Jung influenced view of character and temperament and its lessons for us about people we could hate, people we do love, and our own selves. With a critique of the Big 5 temperament model.

Please read the part about how to select a romantic partner.

A Critique of the Big5 temperament model

Garbage in, garbage out. Big5 is not about how people are, it's about how people can be used.


What are inventors, what are they like to be around, why you wouldn't want to.

On Hierarchy and Value

Hierarchy and its emotional opposite, Oneness, are explored. How Jordan Peterson agrees with Karl Marx. Why hierarchy is the compassionate, inclusive solution. The geometry of hierarchy. How dominance hierarchy transmutes into admiration hierarchy, creating communities of shared values. Emotion within social hierarchy.

The Ugliness of Beauty

Beauty can also be ugly, an ugly business

Non Violent Communication

A summary of Marshall Rosenberg's Non-Violent Communication system for effective diplomacy. How to express yourself in any situation. How to say what you want without making enemies. How to have a desired influence.

If you are in a relationship, learn this. That means you.

Veatch 1991, English Vowels

A U Penn dissertation in Linguistics comprising acoustic physics, articulatory phonetics, surface phonology, dialectology, and historical linguistics, all regarding that most-understood niche in knowledge of that most-interesting species, us.

Myers-Briggs Bad! Or is it?

Claims that there is no validity to Myers-Briggs are overstated.

Myers-Briggs vs Big 5, Round 2

Big 5 isn't better, nor even much different, from Myers-Briggs. Both can be understood as mixture models, a linear combination of two extreme cases or pure types, representing for each dimension. E/I = Extraversion; P/J = Openness x Conscientiousness; F/T = Agreeability. Then one step forward, one step back, Big5 helpfully adds a Neuroticism dimension, but unhelpfully removes N/S a.k.a. Universe, while adding an unnecessary layer of moral judgement. Big 5 methodology reflects the principle of Garbage In, Garbage Out. Further research is called for which is 1) capable of detecting the Universe people occupy, 2) less operational and instrumental in its approach to what humans actually are.

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Modified: 12/20/2021