A Daily Sanskrit Vocabulary Lesson

with Guru Gita



Here is a daily dose of the Sanskrit language.

Guru Gita verses scroll through this site. Here are a few you can access today.

8 37 66 95 124 153 182

Some verses have multi-linear translation graphs.
TG-supported verses (so far) are:

0 1 2 3  (just starting!)

TGs support reader/learners to learn just what you need to understand each verse.

Best Practices: Sing the verse, read the translation, read the verse, go back and forth looking at the details, until as you sing it you understand what it says in itself. A bit of patient practice will reward you when you can sing it with understanding.

Study intently, use your creativity and earnestness, even reverence, to look at it different ways, and capture it. Also, come back in 15, 60 minutes, and after a day and a week. Then you will know it later.


Devanagari Script Learner

Also spend a few minutes clicking back and forth between IPA and Devanagari in the script learner, until you feel some familiarity. Soon you will know the sounds for all the symbols.



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Learn some Sanskrit here.

Verse 0

अस्य श्रीगुरुगीतस्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य भगवान् सदाशिवर्षि
Om asya shree guru geetaa stotra-mantrasya bhagavaan sadaashiva Rshi
" " " " " stotra mantra^ asya " sadaa shiva " [asti]
" " " " " " man -tra "
" always shiva " "
Om this M|N sg/gen(v6) glorious Guru song hymn mind instrument/
M|N sg/gen(v6) Lord forever Shiva teacher is
Om of this glorious song of the guru of [this] hymn/mantra Lord Ever-Shiva is the teacher/sage
Om Lord Eternal Shiva is the teacher of this hymn/mantra, this glorious song of the guru,
The Eternal Lord Shiva Himself is the teacher of this Shree Guru Gita, which is both hymn and mantra,
that is, it is to be sung, to be repeated.

नानाविधानि छन्दांसि श्रीगुरुपरमात्मा देवता
naanaa vidhaani candaamsi shree guru paramaatmaa devataa
naanaa vidha^ -Ani candas^^ aaMsi [santi] " " parama^ aatman^^ -aa devataa
" " " " " " " " para -ma " " deva -taa
various kind Ne-a pl/nom(v1|2) verse/stanza Ne-as pl/nom|acc(v1|v2) [be] glorious Guru away superlative self M-an sg/nom(v1) god F abstract N
[these] verses are of various kinds. Sri Guru, the supreme Self, is its deity.
These verses vary in type. Sri Guru, the supreme Self, is its deity.
Not all these verses follow the shloka meter of 4x8 syllables, with a foot being 8 syllables,
2 feet making a line or turn, and 2 turns (which can be sung in two alternating voices) in a shloka or verse.
Holy Guru, whom we consider to be our own Supreme Self, is its deity.

हं बीजम् सः शक्ति क्रों कीलकं
जपे विनियोगः
haM beejaM sah Saktih kroM keelakam shree guru prasaada siddhyarthe jape viniyogah
" beeja^ -am " Sakti^ -ih " keelaka^ -am " " " siddhi artha^ -e japa^ -e viniyoga^ -ah
" " " " sak -ta^ -i " kR om " " " " " " " " " " vi ni yuj +gu +vel -a "
"I" seed M-a sg/acc(v2) that be able PaP ]N abstract M-ih sg/nom(v1) do om nail M-a sg/acc(v2) glorious teacher gift obtain purpose M-a sg/loc(v7) repeat M-a sg/loc(v7) to assign, to destine for ]N abstract M-a sg/nom(v1)
"I" the seed that the power doing om the nail shree guru's gift in the purpose of obtaining in repetition commission, appointment to
"I" is the seed. That is the power Doing Om is the nail in the purpose of obtaining shree guru's gift, in repetition is the assignment
The experienced self, "I am", is the essence. The divine other, "That" is the power. Doing Om is the means of permanent fastening. The assignment is to obtain Shree Guru's gift, to repeat (this Shree Guru Gita).

अथ ध्यानं
atha dhyaanam
" dhyaana^ -am
" dhyai -ana "
now to meditate ]N abstract M-a sg/acc(v2)
now meditation
now begins meditation.
Here begins our meditation on Shree Guru.

हंसाभ्यां परिवृत्त पत्र कमकैर् दिव्यैर् जगत्कारनैर्
hamsaabhyaam parivRtta patra kamalair divyair jagatkaranair
hamsa^ -aabhyaam parivRtta patra kamala^ aih divya^ aih jagat karana^ -aih
aham sah " pari vRt -ta " " " " " " kR +gu -ana "
I that -a/du/v3|4|5 around turn PPP M Adj leaf [of] lotus M|N-a instr(v3) divine M|N-a instr(v3) world [gen(v6)] do ]Ne-N agent N-a instr(v3)
I that, by the two surrounded by leaf of lotus by divine by the doer of the world
[that which is] surrounded by: these two, Ham and Sa, leafs of the lotus, the divine, the cause of the world
To that which is the cause of the experienced universe, to that divine, to those two leafs of the lotus, I and That, ...

विष्वोत्कीर्नमनेकदेहनिलयैः स्वच्छन्दं आत्मेच्छया
viSvotkeernam aneka deha nilayaiH svacchandam aatmecchayaa
viSva utkeerna^ -am " " nilaya^ -aiH svacchanda^ -am aatman -aH iccha^ -ayaa
viS -va ud- kR R>iirna " an- eka " ni- laya^ " sva cchanda^ " Atma" gen(v6) iz -ta "
enter/pervade ]N up do ]N abstract M|N-a acc(v2) not one/count body down/in place M-a inst(v3) refl pr way, will^ M-a acc(v2) self gen(v6) desire ]N M-a dat(v4)
universe the arising uncounted with the embodied one's own will to the desire of the self
toward the desire of the self is the emergent universe, with uncounted embodied ones and one's own will
[surrounded] by uncounted embodied ones, the arising of the world [and] one's own will, [go] toward the desire of the self.

तद्द्योतं पदशांभवं तु चरणं दीपाङ्कुर ग्राहिणं
taddyotam padashaambhavam tu charanam deepANkura graahiNaam
tad dyota^ -am pada shaambhu^ -ava^ -am tu chara^ ana^ -am deepa angkura graahiNa^ -am
that light acc(v2) foot/state well/auspiciously +vr ]N abstract acc(v2) but move means/agent acc(v2) flame/lamp thumb seizing/holding acc(v2)
that the light the auspicious state but the feet/refuge the holding of the thumb[sized] flame
that; is the light, the auspicious state, furthermore the feet qua refuge, and the holding of the thumb-sized flame.
... that, the foregoing, is not just the light, the auspicious state, but specifically the refuge of the Guru's feet, and the support of the thumb-sized flame.

प्रत्यक्षाक्षर विग्रहं गुरुपदं ध्यायेद्विभुं शाश्वतं
pratyakshaakshara vigrahaM gurupadaM dhyaayedvibhuM shaashvataM
prati aksha akshara vi graha^ -am guru pada^ -am dhyai +vr -et vibhu^ -um shashvat^ .I -am
against/toward/each die/cube/seed syllable/letter against grasp M-a acc(v2) heavy/teacher foot/step/sign/characteristic/station M-a acc(v2) to meditate on cl.1 P imperative arise/expand/appear M-u acc(v2) incessant .I -ly
each seed letter analysis teacher's characteristic one should meditate on what arises frequently
one should repeatedly meditate [on these]: the seed letters, their analysis, the teacher's characteristics, that which arises.
Frequently meditate on the foregoiing, and on the seed letters, their analysis, the teacher's characteristics, and that which arises.

मम चतुर्विधा पुरुशार्थ सिद्ध्यार्थे जपे विनियोगः
mama caturvidha purushaartha siddhyarthe jape viniyogaH
mama catur vidha purusha artha saadh wk, PaP artha^ -e jap -e vi ni yuj +gu,j>g ]N -ah
my four type(s) person/human purpose go straight to goal -ed purpose loc(v7) repeat ?-e? against down join ]N nom(v1)
my four kinds of human purposes for the purpose of of achieving repeating application
my four kinds of human purposes for the purpose of of achieving repeating application
Let there be application to repeating [this], for the purpose of attaining my goals, the four goals of human life.

Key to abbreviations and grammatical terms, etc.
Dictionary selections from Monier Williams for word and root meanings.
Grammar explanation and review.

Today's selection 0 repeats twice a year.

To see a specific verse enter its number here

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Copyright © 2017, 2022, 2024 Thomas C. Veatch. All rights reserved.
Created October 27, 2022; Modified June 5, 2024