Selected Dictionary Items

for the Guru Gita and Sanskrit studies


Below are selected Dictionary Entries roughly in the order used in the attached translation.

It's rough: early days; I'll soon

Please skim the grammatical forms which are the attested conjugations of each root and stem, innumerable and incomprehensible, and look for the meanings, especially to give yourself a sense of the core meanings of what you are looking for. The links below go to the Monnier Williams dictionary itself should you be interested in exploring the primary source. For a derived stem I've tried to give content that contains a translation of it, but also meanings of the root from which the stem is derived, and any related forms that caught my fancy, and I think you might like to know about.

Dictionary skimming should be fun, so don't get bogged down, and just look for things that ring a bell, and move along. I hope to have helped you to find the one thing you are here for by boldfaced content if you clicked through to here, but there's plenty more here for you to become a wise scholar of the etymologies and history and related forms of important words and concepts. There is often a core meaning which is more abstract and bleached of meaning than you might think, or than what it is translated by, often. Words can gain more specific meanings from their context, but to make your life simpler, and to think more deeply, and understand more profoundly, try to find and assimilate that core meaning, and, as far as lexical meaning is concerned, let the details take care of themselves. As far as grammar, Sanskrit is hyperpedantical, and if you don't have an analysis for every letter, then as a translator or writer, you're just wrong. But as a reader, you can assimilate by osmosis, and look for meaning, and try to find the simple essences everywhere you look.

Selected Dictionary Entries

Not in alphabetical order, not even in the Sanskrit alphabetical order, which is its own, different order.


sádam सदम् Page 1139 Column 2 sádam ind. (prob. fr. sadā below and connected with 7. sa) always, ever, for ever, at any time, RV.; AV.; ŚBr.; Vait. Sádā ind. always, ever, every time, continually, perpetually (with na, ‘never’), RV. &c. &c.

cf -adA final pronouns

devá देव Page 492 Column 2
devá mf(ī)n. (fr. 3. div) heavenly, divine (also said of terrestrial things of high excellence), RV.; AV.; VS.; ŚBr. (superl. m. devá-tama, RV. iv, 22, 3 &c.; f. devi-tamā, ii, 41, 16); devá m. (according to, Pāṇ. iii, 3, 120 déva) a deity, god, RV. &c. &c.; (rarely applied to) evil demons, AV. iii, 15, 5; TS. iii, 5, 4, 1; (pl. the gods as the heavenly or shining ones; víśve devā́s, all the gods, RV. ii, 3, 4 &c., or a partic. class of deities [see under víśva], often reckoned as 33, either 11 for each of the 3 worlds, RV. i, 139, 11 &c. [cf. tri-daśa], or 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, and 12 Ādityas [to which the 2 Aśvins must be added] Br.; cf. also, Divyāv. 68; with Jainas 4 classes, viz. bhavanâdhîśa, vyantara, jyotiṣka, and vaimānika; devā́nām pátnyas, the wives of the gods, RV.; VS.; Br. [cf. deva-patnī below]); N. of the number 33 (See above), Gaṇit.; N. of Indra as the god of the sky and giver of rain, MBh.; R. &c.; a cloud, L.; (with Jainas) the 22nd Arhat of the future Ut-sarpiṇī; the image of a god, an idol, Viṣṇ.; a god on earth or among men, either Brāhman, priest, RV.; AV. (cf. bhū-d°), or king, prince (as a title of honour, esp. in the voc. ‘your majesty’ or ‘your honour’; also ifc., e.g. śrī-harṣa-d°, vikramâṅka-d°, king Śrī-h° or Vikr°, and in names as puruṣôttama-d° [lit. having Viṣṇu as one‘s deity; cf. atithi-d°, ācārya-d°, pitr̥-d°, mātr̥-d°]; rarely preceding the name, e.g. deva-caṇḍamahāsena, Kathās. xiii, 48), Kāv.; Pañc. &c. (cf. kṣiti-, nara-, &c.); a husband‘s brother (cf. devr̥ and devara), W.; a fool, dolt, L.; a child, L.; a man following any partic. line or business, L.; a spearman, lancer, L.; emulation, wish to excel or overcome, L.; sport, play, L.; a sword, Gal.; N. of men, VP.; of a disciple of Nāgārjuna, MWB. 192; dimin. for devadatta, Pāṇ. v, 3, 83, Vārtt. 4, Sch.; devá n. (L.) an organ of sense, MuṇḍUp. iii, 1, 8; 2, 7; devā (ā), f. Hibiscus Mutabilis or Marsilea Quadrifolia; devī́ a (ī́), f. See s.v. ; deva [cf. Lat. dīvus, deus; Lit. dë́vas; Old Pruss. deiwas.]

Devátā b f. godhead, divinity (abstr. & concr.), RV.; AV.; Br. &c.; image of a deity, idol, Mn. iv, 130; MBh.; Pur. (ifc. -ka, Kull. viii, 105); N. of the organs of sense (cf. deva), ŚBr. ii, 5, 2, 2 &c.; devátā ind. with divinity i.e. with a god (gods) or among the gods, RV.; AV.

Divyá (dívya, Pāṇ. iv, 2, 101), mfn. divine, heavenly, celestial (opp. to pārthiva, āntarīkṣa or mānuṣa), RV.; AV.; ŚBr.; Kauś.; MBh. &c.; supernatural, wonderful, magical (aṅgāra, RV. x, 34, 9; auṣadha, Bhartṛ. ii, 18; vāsas, Nal. xiv, 24; cf. -cakṣus, -jñāna &c. below); charming, beautiful, agreeable, R.; Kathās. &c.; dívya m. a kind of animal (= dhanvana), VarBṛS. lxxxviii, 9; barley, L.; bdellium, L.; N. of a prince, Pur.; of the author of RV. x, 107 &c.; dívyā (ā), f. N. of plants (= harītakī, bandhyā, karkoṭahī, śatāvarī, mahā-medā &c.), L.; a kind of perfume = surā, L.; N. of a, Buddh. deity, Kālac.; of an Apsaras Sch.; dívya n. the divine world or anything d°; pl. the celestial regions, the sky, heaven, RV.; an ordeal (10 kinds, viz. tulā, agni, jala, viṣa, kośa, taṇḍula, tapta-māṣa, phāla, dharmâdharma, tulasī cf. ss.vv.), Yājñ. ii, 22, 95; Pañc. i, 450/451, 451, 452 &c.; oath, solemn promise, Hit. iv, 129/130 cloves, L.; a sort of sandal, L.; N. of a grammar, divya [cf. Gk. δῖος for διϝιος; Lat. dīus for divius in sub dīo.]

Páttra a n. (and m., Śāk.; ifc. f(ā and ī). ) (sometimes spelt patra) the wing of a bird, pinion, feather, VS.; ŚBr. &c. ; the feather of an arrow, R.; Ragh.; a bird, L.; any vehicle, a chariot, car, horse, camel &c., Mn.; MBh.; Kāv.; a leaf, petal (regarded as the plumage of a tree or flower), KātyŚr.; Mn.; MBh. &c.; the leaf of a partic. fragrant plant or a partic. plant with f° leaves, VarBṛS. xvi, 30; Laurus Cassia (L.) and its leaf, Bhpr.; a leaf for writing on, written l°, l° of a book, paper; a letter, document, Kāv.; Rājat.; Pañc. (pattram āropya, ‘having committed to paper’, Śak.); any thin leaf or plate of metal or gold-leaf, Var.; Suśr. (cf. paṭṭa); the blade of a sword or knife (cf. asi-); a knife, dagger, L.; = -bhaṅga, Ragh.; Gīt. pattra [cf. Gk. πτερόν (for πετερόν); Lat. penna (older pesna for pet-na); Germ. Feder; Eng. feather.]

protector. cf sva—tra mfn. self-preserving, W.; sva—tra m. a blind man, L.
śám शम्Page 1054 Column 2 2. śám ind. (g. câdi and svar-ādi) auspiciously, fortunately, happily, well (frequently used in the Veda, rarely in later language; often to be translated by a subst., esp. in the frequent phrase śáṃ yóḥ or śáṃ ca yóś ca, ‘happiness and welfare’, sometimes joined with the verbs bhū, as, kr̥, dā, vah, yā, sometimes occurring without any verb; with dat. or gen. [cf. Pāṇ. ii, 3, 73, Sch.]; in some cases corresponding to an adj., e.g. śaṃ tad asmai, that is pleasant to him), RV.; &c. śam—pāka m. Cathartocarpus Fistula, MBh.; Suśr. &c. (perhaps w.r. for śamyāka cf. śamyā); N. of a Brāhman, MBh.; (only L.) = vipāka and yāvaka (v.l. viyāta and yācaka); = tarkaka and dhr̥ṣṭa. śam—pāta m. Cassia Fistula, MW. śam—bhara m. N. of a man (cf. śāmbhara). śam—bhavá a mfn. = śambhu, VS.; śam—bhavá m. (with Jainas) N. of the third Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī, L. śám—bhaviṣṭha (śáṃ-), mfn. superl. of śambhu. śam—bhu a See śambhu, p. 1055.

Śambhú b mfn. being or existing for happiness or welfare, granting or causing happiness, beneficent, benevolent, helpful, kind, RV.; AV.; Br.; ŚrS.; śambhú m. N. of Śiva, MBh.; Kāv. &c.; of Brahmā, MBh.; Hariv.; of a partic. Agni, MBh.; of Viṣṇu, L.; of a son of Viṣṇu, MBh.; of Indra in the 10th Manvantara, BhP.; of one of the 11 Rudras, MBh.; Hariv.; VP.; of a king of the Daityas, R.; of an Arhat, L.; of a Siddha, L.; of a king, MBh. (v.l. śanku); of a son of Śuka, Hariv.; of a son of Ambarīṣa, BhP.; (also with bhaṭṭa) of various authors and other men, Cat.; a kind of Asclepias, L.; a kind of metre, Col.; śambhú f. N. of the wife of Dhruva, Hariv.; VP.

Śaṃkará b mf(ī)n. causing prosperity, auspicious, beneficent, Nir.; MBh.; BhP.; śaṃkará m. N. of Rudra or Śiva, VS.; ĀśvGṛ.; MBh. &c.; of a son of Kaśyapa and Danu, VP.; of Skanda, AV.Pariś.; of a serpent-demon, L.; of a Cakra-vartin, L.; N. of various authors and commentators, (esp.) of Śaṃkarācārya (See next page, col. 1; also with bhaṭṭa, paṇḍita, śarman, rājânaka, &c.); śaṃkarā (ā), f. (cf. śaṃ-garā under śaṃ above) = śakunikā, Pāṇ. iii, 2, 14, Vārtt. 1, Pat.; N. of a female, ib.; a partic. Rāga or musical mode, MW.; śaṃkarī́ a (ī), f. See p. 1055.

char charana

car चर्Page 389 Column 1

car cl. 1. cárati, rarely °te (Subj. cárat, 3. pl. cárān, RV.; perf. cacā́ra [AV. &c.], 2. sg. cacartha, BhP. iv, 28, 52; pl. cerur, &c.; °ratur, ŚBr. &c.; Ā. cere, BhP. iii, 1, 19; fut. cariṣyati, °te; aor. acārīt [ŚBr. xiv &c.]; inf. cáritum [ii; MBh. i, iii; R.] or cartum [MBh. iii, xiii; R. iii; BhP. v], Ved. carádhyai [RV. i, 61, 12], cáritave [113, 5], caráse [92, 9 and v, 47, 4], carā́yai [vii, 77, 1], caritos [AitĀr. i, 1, 1, 7]; ind.p. caritvā́, ŚBr. xiv; BhP. x, 75, 19; cartvā, MBh. v, 3790; cīrtvā, xiii, 495; p. cárat) to move one‘s self, go, walk, move, stir, roam about, wander (said of men, animals, water, ships, stars, &c.), RV.; AV. &c.; to spread, be diffused (as fire), VarBṛS. xix, 7; to move or travel through, pervade, go along, follow, Mn.; MBh. &c.; to behave, conduct one‘s self, act, live, treat (with instr. or loc.), RV.; AV. &c.; to be engaged in, occupied or busy with (instr., e.g. yajñéna c°, ‘to be engaged in a sacrifice’, ŚBr.), RV. x, 71, 5; AV. vi, 117, 1; AitBr. &c.; (with [ŚBr. iv; ChUp.; Kauś.; ŚāṅkhŚr.] or without [ŚBr. ii, xiv] mithunám) to have intercourse with, have to do with (instr.); (with a p. or adj. or ind.p. or adv.) to continue performing or being (e.g. arcantaś cerur, ‘they continued worshipping’, ŚBr. i; svāminam avajñāya caret, ‘he may go on despising his master’, Hit.), RV.; AV.; VS. &c.; (in astron.) to be in any asterism or conjunction, VarBṛS.; to undertake, set about, under go, observe, practise, do or act in general, effect, make (e.g. vratā́ni ‘to observe vows’, AV. &c.; vighnaṃ c°, ‘to put a hindrance’, MBh.; bhaikṣaṃ c° ‘to beg’, Mn. ii; vivādaṃ c°, ‘to be engaged in a lawsuit’, Mn. viii, 8; mr̥gayāṃ c°, ‘to hunt’, MBh.; R.; sambandhāṃś c°, ‘to enter into connections’, Mn. ii, 40; mārgaṃ cacāra bāṇaiḥ, ‘he made a way with arrows’, R. iii, 34, 4; tapasā indriyāṇi c°, to exercise one‘s organs with penance, MBh. xiv, 544), RV.; AV. &c.; to consume, eat (with acc.), graze, Yājñ. iii, 324; Pañcat.; BhP. v, x; Subh.; Hit.; to make or render (with double acc.) e.g. naréndraṃ satya-sthaṃ carāma, ‘let us make the king keep his word’, R. ii, 107, 19 : Caus. cārayati, to cause to move or walk about, AV. xii, 4, 28 (aor. ácīcarat), ŚāṅkhBr. xxx, 8; Lāṭy.; to pasture, MBh. xiv; R.; BhP. iii, x; to send, direct, turn, move, MBh. &c.; to cause any one (acc.) to walk through (acc.), MBh. xii; R. v, 49, 14; to drive away from (abl.), MBh. xii, 12944; to cause any one (acc.) to practise or perform (with acc.), Mn. xi, 177 and 192; to cause (any animal acc.) to eat, Bādar. ii, 2, 5, Sch.; to cause to copulate, Mn. viii, 362; to ascertain (as through a spy instr.), MBh. iii, xv; R. i, vi; to doubt (cf. vi-), Dhātup. xxxiii, 71 : Desid. cicariṣati, to try to go, ŚāṅkhBr. xxx, 8 (p. cicarṣat) ; to wish to act or conduct one‘s self, ŚBr. xi; to try to have intercourse with (instr.), vi : Intens. carcarīti Ā. or rarely [MBh. iii, 12850] Pass. cañcūryate (°curīti and °cūrti, Pāṇ. vii, 4, 87 f.; ind.p. °cūrya, R. iv, 29, 22; p. once P. °cūryat, Hariv. 3602) to move quickly or repeatedly, walk about, roam about (in loc.), AV. xx, 127, 4; MBh. &c.; to act wantonly or coquettishly, Bhaṭṭ. iv, 19 (cf. Pāṇ. iii, 1, 24); [cf. πέλομαι, ἀμϕί-πολο-ς, ἀνα-τολή &c.]

Cara mfn. (g. pacâdi) moving, locomotive (as animals opposed to plants, or as the Karaṇas in astrol.), VPrāt.; ŚvetUp. iii, 18; Mn. vii, 15; MBh. &c.; (= saṃcārin) forming the retinue of any one, BhP. iv, 29, 23; movable, shaking, unsteady, W.; ifc. going, walking, wandering, being, living, practising (e.g. adhaś-, anta-, antarikṣa-, ap-, ādāya-, udake-, &c.; cf. Pāṇ. iii, 2, 16); cara mf(ī)n. ifc. (Pāṇ. v, 3, 53 f.; vi, 3, 35 f.) having been formerly (e.g. āḍhya-, devadatta-, qq.vv.; a-dr̥ṣṭa- or nadr̥ṣṭa-, ‘not seen before’, Kathās. [once f. irr. ā, lx, 58] Sarvad. iii, 16; vii, 19; an-ālokita- id., Bālar. iv, 54/55); cara m. a spy, secret emissary or agent, Mn. vii, 122; Hariv. 10316; R. &c.; = caraṭa, L.; the small shell Cypraea moneta, L.; the wind, air, BhP. x, 14, 11; the planet Mars, L.; a game played with dice (similar to backgammon), L.; a cowrie, W.; ‘passage’, see a-, duś-; cara n. (in astron.) ascensional difference, Gol. vii; (in astron., read, ‘the difference of time between the rising of a heavenly body at Laṅkā or Ceylon, over which the first meridian passes, and that of its rising at any partic. place’).; carā́ (ā́), f. dat. °rā́yai inf. √car, q.v.; (in music) N. of a Mūrchanā; carī (ī), f. a young woman (cf. caraṭi), L.; = digambaraprasiddhā g. gaurâdi; also ifc. See anu- and sahacarī. cara—khaṇḍa n. (in astron.) the amount of the ascensional difference, Sūryas. iii, 43; Gol. vii, 1. cara—gr̥ha n. a moving or varying sign of the zodiac, i.e. the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th, VarBṛS. vci, 3 and 14; Laghuj. cara—jā f. (scil. jyā) the sign of -khaṇḍa, Sūryas. ii, 61; iii, 33. cara—jyā f. id., 34 Sch. Gol. vii, 1, Sch. cara—dala n. = -khaṇḍa, VarBṛS. ii, 0/1; Sūryas. iii, 10; cara—dala—jā f. = cara-jā, xiii, 15. cara—deva m. N. of a man, Rājat. vii, 1554. cara—dravya n. pl. ‘movables’, goods and chattels, W. cara—puṣṭa m. ‘spy-nourished’, a mediator, W. cara—bha n. = -gr̥ha, Laghuj. cara—bhavana n. id., ib. cara—mūrti f. an idol which is carried about in procession, W. cara—śiñjinī f. = -jā, Gol. vii, 1. 1. carâcara mfn. movable and immovable, locomotive and stationary, moving and fixed (as animals and plants), Mn. i, iii; Bhag. x f.; R.; BhP.; carâcara n. the aggregate of all created things whether animate or inanimate, world, Mn.; Yājñ.; Bhag.; R.; BhP.; carâcara—guru m. the lord of the world (Brahmā), MBh. iii, 497; N. of Śiva, Kautuk.

Cáraka m. a wanderer, wandering religious student, ŚBr. xiv; Pāṇ. v, 1, 11; Lalit. i, 28; a spy, Naiṣ. iv, 116; a kind of ascetic, VarBṛ. xv, 1; a kind of medicinal plant, L.; N. of a Muni and physician (the Serpent-king Śeṣa, who was the recipient of the Āyur-veda; once on visiting the earth and finding it full of sickness he became moved with pity and determined to become incarnate as the son of a Muni for alleviating disease; he was called Caraka because he had visited the earth as a kind of spy or cara; he then composed a new book on medicine, based on older works of Agni-veśa and other pupils of Ātreya, Bhpr.); N. of a lexicographer; cáraka m. pl. (cf. Pāṇ. iv, 3, 107) N. of a branch of the black Yajur-veda (the practises and rites enjoined by which are different in some respects from those in ŚBr.), ŚBr. iv; Lāṭy. v, 4, 20; Sch. on VS. & ŚBr.; VāyuP. i, 61, 10; cárakī (ī), f. a kind of venomous fish, Suśr. v, 3, 8; N. of an evil spirit, VarBṛS. liii, 83; AgP. xl, 18. caraka—grantha m. Caraka‘s book (on med.) caraka—tantra n. id.; caraka—tantra—vyākhyā f. N. of a Comm. on Car. by Hari-candra. caraka—bhāṣya n. N. of another Comm. on Car. by Kṛṣṇa. cárakâcārya m. a teacher of the Carakas, VS. xxx, 18. cárakâdhvaryu m. id. (generally pl.), ŚBr. iii f., viii; BhP. &c.

Cáraṇa mn. (g. ardharcâdi) a foot, Gobh.; Mn. ix, 277; Bādar.; MBh. &c. (ifc. f(ā). , Hariv. 3914; Mālav.); (ifc. pl.) ‘the feet of’, the venerable (N. N.), MBh. xii, 174, 24, Sch.; a pillar, support, Hariv. 4643; the root (of a tree), L.; a Pāda or line of a stanza, Śrut.; a dactyl; a 4th part (pāda), VarBṛ.; Līl.; a section, subdivision, Bhpr.; Sarvad. (catuś-, q.v.); a school or branch of the Veda, Nir. i, 17; Pāṇ.; MBh. xii, xiii; Pañcat. iv, 3; cáraṇa n. going round or about, motion, course, RV. iii, 5, 5; ix, 113, 9; x, 136, 6 and 139, 6; ŚBr. ii, x; Sāh.; acting, dealing, managing, (liturgical) performance, observance, AV. vii, 106, 1; ŚBr.; ŚāṅkhŚr.; KātyŚr.; VP. iii, 5, 13; behaviour, conduct of life, KātyŚr.; ChUp. v, 10; good or moral conduct, Kauś. 67; MBh. xiii, 3044; Lalit.; practising (generally ifc. cf. tapaś- [tapasaś c°, Mn. vi, 75], bhikṣā-, bhaikṣa-), Gobh. iii, 1, 12; Nal.; grazing, W.; consuming, eating, L.; a particular high number, Buddh.; L. (cf. dvi-, puraś-, ratha-). caraṇa—kamala n. ‘foot-lotus’, a beautiful foot, W. caraṇa—kisalaya n. id., W. caraṇa—gata mfn. fallen at one‘s feet, W. caraṇa—granthi m. ‘foot-joint’, the ancle, ĀpŚr. vii, 2, 6, Sch. caraṇa—tra ‘foot-saver’, a shoe, Kuṭṭanīm. caraṇa—dāsa m. N. of the author of the Guru-śiṣya-saṃvāda and of the philos. poem Nāciketopākhyāna. caraṇa—nyāsa m. footstep, Ratnāv. i, 11; foot-mark, Megh. 56. caraṇa—pa m. ‘root-drinker’, a tree, L. caraṇa—patana n. a foot-fall, Amar. caraṇa—patita mfn. = -ga, W. caraṇa—padma mn. = -kamala, W. caraṇa—parvan n. = -granthi, L. caraṇa—pāta m. = -patana, Pañcat. iv, 9; tread, kick, Hariv. 13607; Pañcat. ii, 47/48 caraṇa—pr̥ṣṭha m. the back of the foot, Daś. viii, 192. caraṇa—prasāra m. stretching the legs, Mn. ii, 198; Kull. caraṇa—bhaṅga m. fracture of the foot, Pañcat. i, 22/23 caraṇa—yuga n. both feet, W.; two lines of a stanza, W. caraṇa—yodhin m. ‘foot-fighter’, a cock, R. (B) iv, 58, 31. caraṇa—lagna mfn. = -gata, Dhūrtas. caraṇa—vat mfn. of good conduct, GopBr. i, 2, 5. caraṇa—vyūha m. N. of a treatise on the schools of the Veda. caraṇa—śuśrūṣā f. = -patana, R. iii, 14, 8. caraṇa—sevā f. ‘service on one‘s feet’, devotion, W. caraṇâkṣa m. (= akṣa-pāda) Gautama, SŚaṃkar. caraṇânati f. = °ṇa-patana, Amar. (Kpr. iv, 13/14). caraṇânamita mfn. bent under the feet, trodden down, W. caraṇâbharaṇa n. a foot-ornament, L. caraṇâmr̥ta n. ‘foot-nectar’, the water in which the feet of a Brāhman or spiritual guide have been washed, W. caraṇâyudha mfn. having the feet for weapons, MBh. ix, 2669; R. iii, 56, 35; caraṇâyudha m. a cock, Car. vi, 2 and 5; Sāh. iii, 195/196 caraṇâravinda n. = °ṇakamala, W. caraṇârdha n. the half of the foot, W.; half of the fourth of a stanza, W. caraṇâskandana n. treading down with the feet, W. caraṇôdaka n. = °ṇâmr̥ta, W. caraṇôpaga mfn. in contact with the feet, at the feet, W. caraṇôpadhāna n. a foot-rest, MBh. i, 193, 10.

Caraṇaka n. a small foot, Śiś.

grah ग्रह्Page 371 Column 2

grah [RV. in a few passages only, AV. &c.] or grabh [RV.; rarely, AV.] cl. 9. P. gr̥bhṇāti, gr̥hṇā́ti (also Ā. gr̥hṇīte, irreg. gr̥hṇate, MuṇḍUp.; ...(cf MW grah for the many forms)... to seize, take (by the hand), pāṇau or kare, exceptionally pāṇim (double acc.), RV. i, 125, 1; Sāy.; cf. Vop. v, 6), grasp, lay hold of (e.g. pakṣaṃ, to take a side, adopt a party, Prab.; pāṇim, ‘to take by the hand in the marriage ceremony’, marry, AV. xiv, 1, 48 ff.; Gobh. ii, 1, 11; MBh. &c.), RV. &c.; to arrest, stop, RV. ix, 78, 1; Kathās. iv, 32; to catch, take captive, take prisoner, capture, imprison, RV. &c.; to take possession of, gain over, captivate, MBh. xiii, 2239; R. ii, 12, 25; Ragh.; Cāṇ.; to seize, overpower (esp. said of diseases and demons and the punishments of Varuṇa), RV.; AV.; MaitrS. &c.; to eclipse, VarBṛS. v; to abstract, take away (by robbery), R. iv, 53, 25; Śak. iii, 21; Bhaṭṭ.; to lay the hand on, claim, Mn.; Yājñ.; Ragh. i, 18; Pañcat.; to gain, win, obtain, receive, accept (from abl., rarely gen.), keep, RV. &c. (with double acc. Vop. v, 6); to acquire by purchase (with instr. of the price), Mn. viii, 201; Yājñ. ii, 169; R. &c.; to choose, MBh. xiii; R. i, 39, 13 f.; Kathās. liii; to choose any one (acc.) as a wife; to take up (a fluid with any small vessel), draw water, RV. viii, 69, 10; VS. x, 1; TS. vi &c.; to pluck, pick, gather, Hariv. 5238; Śak. iv, vi; to collect a store of anything, VarBṛS. xlii, 10 f.; to use, put on (clothes), Mn. ii, 64; MBh. iii, 16708; Bhag.; Ratnāv. i &c.; to assume (a shape), BhP. i f.; to place upon (instr. or loc.), Mn. viii, 256; Kathās.; to include, Pāṇ. viii, 4, 68, Sch.; Vop. i, 5; to take on one‘s self, undertake, undergo, begin, RV. x, 31, 2; MBh. iii, xiii; BhP. &c.; to receive hospitably (a guest), take back (a divorced wife), MBh. v, 7068; R. i; Śak. v, 25; BhP. iii, 5, 19; ‘to take into the mouth’, mention, name, RV. i, 191, 13 & x, 145, 4; AV.; TS. &c.; to perceive (with the organs of sense or with mánas), observe, recognise, RV. i, 139, 10 and 145, 2; VS. i, 18; ŚBr. xiv; MuṇḍUp.; ŚvetUp. &c.; (in astron.) to observe, VarBṛS. xliii, 30; to receive into the mind, apprehend, understand, learn, Nal.; R.; Ragh. v, 59; Pañcat. i, 1, 23; (in astron.) to calculate, Sūryas.; to accept, admit, approve, MBh. i, 6299; R. ii; Mṛcch. ix, 18; Kād.; BhP. i, 2, 12; Kathās.; to obey, follow, MBh.; R.; Mṛcch. ix, 30/31; BhP. iii f.; to take for, consider as, Mn. i, 110; Mālav. v &c.; (Pass.) to be meant by (instr.), Yājñ., Sch.; Pāṇ.; Siddh. and Sch.: Caus. grāhayati, to cause to take or seize or lay hold of R. vii; Suśr.; Ragh. xv, 88; Daś.; to cause to take (by the hand [pāṇim] in the marriage ceremony), Ragh. xvii, 3; to cause to marry, give away a girl (acc.) in marriage to any one (acc.), Kum. i, 53; to cause any one to be captured, Yājñ. ii, 169; R. vi, 1, 21; Daś.; to cause any one to be seized or overpowered (as by Varuṇa‘s punishments or death &c.), TS. ii, vi f.; TBr. i; MBh. viii, 3281; to cause to be taken away, Hit.; to make any one take, deliver anything (acc.) over to any one (acc.; e.g. āsanam with acc. ‘to cause to take a seat, bid any one to sit down’, Rājat. v, 306), Mṛcch.; Vop. xviii, 7; to make any one choose, Rājat. v, 102 (aor. ajigrahat); to make any one learn, make acquainted or familiar with (acc.), Nir. i, 4; Āp. i, 8, 25; Mn. i, 58; MBh. &c.: Desid. jighr̥kṣati (cf. Pāṇ. i, 2, 8 & vii, 2, 12), also °te, to be about to seize or take, Gobh. i, 1, 8 and 20; MBh.; R.; Kathās.; to be about to eclipse, R. vii, 35, 31; to be about to take away, BhP. i, 17, 25; to desire to perceive (with the organs of sense), strive to apprehend or recognise, AitUp. iii, 3 ff.; BhP. ii, iv : Intens. jarīgr̥hyate, Pāṇ. vi, 1, 16, Kāś.; ; grah [cf. Zd. gerep, geurv; Goth. greipa; Germ. greife; Lith. grēbju; Slav. grabljū; Hib. grabaim, ‘I devour, stop’.]

Gráha mfn. (Pāṇ. iii, 3, 58; g. vr̥ṣâdi) ifc. (iii, 2, 9, Vārtt. 1) seizing, laying hold of, holding, BhP. iii, 15, 35 (cf. aṅkuśa-, dhanur-, &c.); obtaining, v, viii; perceiving, recognising, iv, 7, 31; gráha m. ‘seizer (eclipser)’, Rāhu or the dragon‘s head, MBh. &c.; a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner; sometimes 5 are enumerated, viz. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, MBh. vi, 4566 f.; R. i, 19, 2; Ragh. iii, 13 &c.; also 7 i.e. the preceding with Rāhu and Ketu, MBh. vii, 5636; also 9 i.e. the sun [cf. ŚBr. iv, 6, 5, 1 and 5; MBh. xiii, 913; xiv, 1175] and moon with the 7 preceding, Yājñ. i, 295; MBh. iv, 48; VarBṛS.; also the polar star is called a Graha, Garg. (Jyot. 5, Sch.); the planets are either auspicious śubha-, sad-, or inauspicious krūra-, pāpa-, VarBṛS.; with Jainas they constitute one of the 5 classes of the Jyotiṣkas); the place of a planet in the fixed zodiac, W.; the number ‘nine’; N. of particular evil demons or spirits who seize or exercise a bad influence on the body and mind of man (causing insanity &c.; it falls within the province of medical science to expel these demons; those who esp. seize children and cause convulsions &c. are divided into 9 classes according to the number of planets, Suśr.), MBh. &c.; any state which proceeds from magical influences and takes possession of the whole man, BhP. vii, ix; BrahmaP.; Hit. ii, 1, 20; gráha m. a crocodile, MBh. xvi, 142 (ifc. f(ā). ), R. iv f.; BhP. viii; gráha m. any ladle or vessel employed for taking up a portion of fluid (esp. of Soma) out of a larger vessel, Mn. v, 116; Yājñ. i, 182; N. of the 8 organs of perception (viz. the 5 organs of sense with Manas, the hands and the voice), ŚBr. xiv; NṛsUp. i, 4, 3, 22; (= gr̥ha) a house, R. vii, 40, 30 (cf. a-, khara-, -druma and -pati); ‘anything seized’, spoil, booty, MBh. iii, 11461 (cf. °hâluñcana); as much as can be taken with a ladle or spoon out of a larger vessel, ladleful, spoonful (esp. of Soma), RV. x, 114, 5; VS.; TS.; AitBr.; ŚBr. &c.; the middle of a bow or that part which is grasped when the bow is used, MBh. iv, 1351 (su-, 1326); the beginning of any piece of music; grasp, seizing, laying hold of (often ifc.), Kauś. 10; MBh. &c.; keeping back, obstructing, Suśr.; imprisoning, imprisonment (°haṃ-√gam, ‘to become a prisoner’, Kām.), R. ii, 58, 2; seizure (by demons causing diseases, e.g. aṅga-, spasm of the limbs), Suśr.; seizure of the sun and moon, eclipse, AV. xix, 9, 7 and 10; VarBṛS.; stealing, robbing, Mn. ix, 277; MBh. vi, 4458; effort, Hit.; insisting upon, tenacity, perseverance in (loc. or in comp.), BhP. vii, 14, 11; Naiṣ. ix, 12; Kathās.; Rājat. viii, 226; taking, receiving, reception, Mn. viii, 180; Śṛṅgār.; taking up (any fluid); choosing, MBh. xii, 83, 12; Sāh. vi, 136; ‘favour’, see -nigraha; mentioning, employing (a word), Mn. viii, 271; Pāṇ. vii, 1, 21, Kār. 2; Amar.; Rājat.; apprehension, perception, understanding, Bhāṣāp.; BhP.; Sarvad., Sch. on Jaim. & KapS.; gráhāya (āya), dat. ind. = gr̥hītvā See √grah (cf. guda-, śiro-, hanu-, hr̥d-.) graha—kallola m. ‘wave (? or enemy) of the planets’, Rāhu, L. graha—kāṇḍa n. ‘section treating of Grahas of Soma which are taken up by a ladle’, N. of ŚBr. iv. graha—kuṇḍalikā f. the mutual relation of planets and prophecy derived from it, VarBṛ. xviii, 10 f., Sch. graha—koṣṭhaka n. N. of wk. graha—kautuka n. N. of wk. graha—kṣetrin for gr̥ha-kṣ°, Hariv. ii, 8, 19. graha—gaṇa m. a whole number of demons causing diseases, Suśr. vi, 60, 4; a whole number of planets taken collectively, W. graha—gaṇita n. ‘calculation of the planets’, the astronomical part of a Jyotiḥ-śāstra, VarBṛS. ii. graha—gocara n. N. of wk. graha—grasta mfn. possessed by a demon, Hcar. iv. graha—grāmaṇī m. ‘planet-chief’, the sun, Bālar. iii. graha—carita-vid m. ‘knowing the course of planets’, an astrologer, viii. graha—cintaka m. id., VarBṛS. xxiv, 4. graha—tā f. the state of being a planet, v, 1. graha—tilaka m. N. of wk. graha—tva n. = -tā, Hariv.; BhP. v f.; the state of a ladleful or spoonful, Kāṭh. ix, 16. graha—daśā f. the aspect of the planets, W. graha—dāya m. the length of life as granted by the planets, VarBṛ. vii, 9. graha—dīpikā f. N. of wk. graha—druma for gr̥ha-d°, L. graha—dhāra m. = grahâdh°, Gal. graha—nāyaka m. = -grāmaṇī, Hcat. i, 8, 435; the planet Saturn, L. graha—nāśa m. ‘destroying (the influence of) planets’, Alstonia scholaris, L. graha—nāśana m. id., L.; for gr̥ha-n° (a pigeon), L. graha—nigraha m. du. favour and punishment, Hit. graha—nemi m. the moon, L.; the section of the moon‘s course between the asterisms Mūla and Mṛga-śiras, Gal. graha—pati m. = -grāmaṇī, L.; the moon, MBh. xii, 6288 (gr̥ha-p°, B); for gr̥ha-p°, xiii, 4133; Calotropis gigantea, L. graha—pīḍana n. ‘pain by Rāhu’, an eclipse, R. v, 73, 58; Hit. i, 2, 48. graha—pīḍā f. id., MārkP. lviii; Devīm. graha—puṣa m. ‘cherishing the planets (with light)’, the sun, L. graha—pūjā f. worship of the planets. graha—bhakti f. division (of countries) with respect to the presiding planets, VarBṛS.; pl. N. of VarBṛS. xvi. graha—bhīti-jit m. ‘conquering the fear of the demons’, N. of a perfume, L. graha—bhojana m. a horse, L. graha—maya mfn. consisting of planets, Bhartṛ. i, 16. graha—marda m. (friction i.e.) opposition between certain planets. graha—mardana n. id., VarBṛS. xvi, 40. graha—mātr̥kā f. N. of a Buddh. goddess. graha—muṣ m. (? for -puṣ = -puṣa) the sun, Gal. graha—yajña m. a sacrifice offered to the planets, Yājñ. i, 294; VarBṛS.; MatsyaP. ccxxxviii; graha—yajña—tattva n. N. of part of Smṛtit. graha—yāga m. = -yajña; graha—yāga—tattva n. N. of wk. graha—yāmala-tantra n. N. of a Tantra. graha—yuti f. conjunction of planets. graha—yuddha n. = -marda, AV.Pariś.; VarBṛS.; N. of VarBṛS. xvii. graha—yoga m. = -yuti, Romakas. graha—rāja m. = -grāmaṇī, L.; the moon, L.; the planet Jupiter, L. graha—lāghava n. N. of an astronomical work of the 16th century. graha—varman v.l. for guha-v°. graha—varṣa m. a planetary year, VarBṛS.; graha—varṣa—phala n. N. of VarBṛS. xix (describing the good and evil fortune belonging to certain days, months, or years ruled over by particular planets). graha—vicārin m. = -cintaka, Sāh. graha—vinoda m. N. of wk. graha—vipra m. = -cintaka, W. graha—vimarda m. = -marda, VarBṛS. cvii, 2. graha—śānti f. propitiation of the planets (by sacrifices &c.), xliii. graha—śr̥ṅgāṭaka n. triangular position of the planets with reference to each other, xx; N. of VarBṛS. xx (treating also of many other positions of the planets). graha—samāgama m. = -yuti, xx, 5. graha—sāraṇī f. N. of wk. graha—sthiti-varṇana n. N. of wk. graha—svara m. the 1st note of a musical piece. grahâgama m. demoniacal possession, L.; grahâgama—kutūhala n. N. of wk. grahâgresara m. ‘planet-chief’, the moon, Daś. viii, 100. grahâdi a Gaṇa of Pāṇ. (iii, 1, 134; Gaṇar. 457-459); another Gaṇa, 445 Hemac. grahâdhāra m. ‘planet-support’, the polar star, L. grahâdhipati m. the chief of the demons causing diseases, Suśr. grahâdhiṣṭhāpana n. N. of wk. grahâdhīna mfn. subject to planetary influence, W. grahâdhyāya m. N. of wk. grahântar-ukthya n. a partic. Ekāha, ŚrS. grahâpahā f. ‘removing (the influence) of planets’, the bile-stone of cattle, Npr. grahâmaya m. = °hâgama, L. grahârāma-kutūhala n. N. of an astronomical work by Bhāskara. grahâluñcana n. pouncing on prey, Mṛcch. iii, 20. grahâvamardana n. = °ha-marda, VarBṛS. iii, 83. grahâvarta m. = lagna, horoscope &c., Gal. grahâśin m. = °ha-nāśa, L. grahâśraya m. = °hâdhāra, L. grahâhvaya m. ‘called after the demons’, the plant Bhūtāṅkuśa (bhūta = graha?), L. grahêśa m. = °ha-grāmaṇī, L. grahêṣṭaka n. sg. a ladleful (of any fluid) and the bricks, Jaim. v, 3, 15. grahôktha n. a hymn sung while a ladleful (of Soma) is being taken up, AitBr. iii, viii.

Grahaka m. a prisoner, L.; grahikā f. See grāh°.

Gráhaṇa mfn. ifc. seizing, holding, Hariv. 2734; resounding in (?), Śak. ii, 0/1, 6; gráhaṇa n. the hand, L.; an organ of sense, Yogas. i, 41; a prisoner, MBh. xiii, 2051; a word mentioned or employed (e.g. vacana-, ‘the word vacana’), Pat. & Kāś.; seizing, holding, taking, ŚBr. xiv; Mn. ii, 317; MBh. &c.; taking by the hand, marrying, i, 1044; catching, seizure, taking captive, Mn. v, 130; MBh. &c.; seizure (as by a demon causing diseases), demoniacal possession, Hcat.; seizure of the sun or moon, eclipse, Āp. i, 11; Yājñ. i, 218; VarBṛS. &c.; gaining, obtaining, receiving, acceptance, R. i, 3, 18; Pañcat.; Kathās. xci, 37; choosing, Sāṃkhyak.; Prab.; Sāh. vi, 201; purchasing, Pañcat.; taking or drawing up (any fluid), ŚBr. iv; KātyŚr.; the taking up of sound, echo, W.; attraction, Megh.; Ragh. vii, 24; Pañcat. v, 13, 5/6; putting on (clothes), MBh. ii, 840; Ragh. xvii, 21; assuming (a shape), Yājñ. iii, 69; MBh. xiv; Devīm.; undertaking, devoting one‘s self to (in comp.), R. v, 76, 22; Pañcat.; service, BhP. iii, 1, 44; including, Pāṇ., Kāś.; mentioning, employing (a word or expression), KātyŚr.; Lāṭy.; VPrāt.; Pāṇ., Vārtt., Pat. & Kāś.; Sāh. vi, 205; mentioning with praise, acknowledgment, Suśr.; assent, agreement, W.; perceiving, understanding, comprehension, receiving instruction, acquirement of any science, Mn. ii, 173; MBh. iii, xiv; Ragh. &c.; acceptation, meaning, Pāṇ. i, 1, 68, Vārtt. 5, Pat., Kāś. & Siddh. on Pāṇ.; gráhaṇī a f. an imaginary organ supposed to lie between the stomach and the intestines (the small intestines or that part of the alimentary canal where the bile assists digestion and from which vital warmth is said to be diffused), Suśr.; = °ṇī-gada, Aṣṭāṅg. iii, 8; Hcat. i, 7 gráhaṇa (cf. kara-, keśa-, garbha-, cakṣur-, nāma-, pāṇi-, punar-.) grahaṇa—gata mfn. eclipsed, VarBṛS. xv, 31. grahaṇa—pañcâṅga n. N. of two astronomical works. grahaṇa—phala n. N. of two astronomical works. grahaṇa—vat mfn. meant in reality, not to be taken in a different way, Pat. on Pāṇ. iv, 1, 1 and Vārtt. 1 and iv, 1, 4 Vārtt. 2. grahaṇa—sambhavâdhikāra m. N. of an astronomical work. grahaṇânta mfn. being at the close of study, ĀśvGṛ. i, 22, 3; Gaut. ii, 47.; grahaṇântam ind. until (the Veda) has been thoroughly apprehended or learned, Baudh. grahaṇântika mfn. id., Mn. iii, 1; Yājñ. i, 36.

Grahi m. anything that holds or supports, Gṛhyās. ii, 29 (cf. phala-, °le-.)

Grahītavyà mfn. to be taken or received, ŚBr. iv; Mn. vii f.; Hit.; to be taken up or down (a fluid), TS. vi; to be perceived, W.; to be learned, W.; grahītavyà n. obligation to take or receive, MBh. xii, 7313.

Grahītr̥ mfn. one who takes or seizes, ŚvetUp. iii, 19; one who receives, Mn. viii, 166; a purchaser, Pañcat.; one who perceives or observes, Mn. i, 15; Yogas. i, 41; one who notices or hears, Bālar. ii, 48/49 (cf. pāṇi-.)

Gráhya mfn. belonging to or fit for a Graha (ladleful of any fluid), VS. iv, 24.

Grāhá a mf(ī)n. (Pāṇ. iii, 1, 143) ifc. seizing, holding, catching, receiving, Yājñ. ii, 51; R. iv, 41, 38; taking (a wife), Yājñ. ii, 51 (cf. karṇa-, gila-, dhanur-, pāṇi-, pārṣṇi-, vandi-, vyāla-, hasta-); grāhá m. a rapacious animal living in fresh or sea water, any large fish or marine animal (crocodile, shark, serpent, Gangetic alligator, water elephant, or hippopotamus), Mn. vi, 78; MBh. &c. (ifc. f(ā)., iv, 2017; xvi; R. ii); grāhá m. a prisoner, L.; the handle (of a sword &c.), Gal.; seizure, grasping, laying hold of Pañcat. i, 10, 1 (v.l. for graha); morbid affection, disease, ŚBr. iii; paralysis (of the thigh, ūru-grāhá, AV. xi, 9, 12 [ur° MSS.] MBh. v, 2024 and vi, 5680); ‘mentioning’, see nāma-; fiction, whim, Bhag. xvii, 19; conception, notion of (in comp.), Vajracch. 6 and 9; grāhám a (am), ind. See s.v.; grāhī (ī), f. a female marine animal or crocodile, R. vi, 82, 73 ff. grāha-melaka m. conjunction of planets, Sūryas. grāha—vat mfn. containing or abounding with large marine animals, W.

Grāhaka mf(ikā)n. one who seizes or takes captive, Yājñ. ii, 266; one who seizes (the sun or moon), who eclipses, Sūryas. iv, vi; one who receives or accepts, Hcat. i, 7; a purchaser, Pañcat.; Kathās. lxi; Tantras.; containing, including, Sāh., Sch. on RPrāt. & KapS. i, 40; perceiving, perceiver, (in phil.) subject, MBh. iii, 13932; KapS. v, 98 and vi, 4; Sāṃkhyak. 27, Sch.; Sarvad.; captivating, persuading, MBh. xii, 4202; R.; grāhaka m. a hawk, falcon (catching snakes), L.; Marsilea quadrifolia, L.; N. of a demon causing diseases, Hariv. 9561; grāhikā f. with vali, one of the 3 folds which lead off the feces from the body, ŚārṅgS. vi, 8; ifc. the taking hold of Daś. vii, 193 (v.l. grah°). grāhaka—kr̥kara m. a partridge used as call-bird, Hcar. vii. grāhaka-tva n. the power of perception or comprehension, Mālatīm. grāhaka—vihaṃga m. a call-bird, Kād. vii, 186.

Grāham b ind. so as to seize, (ifc.), Pāṇ. iii, 4, 39; (with loc. or instr. or ifc.) 50 Kāś.; (with acc. or ifc.) 53 Kāś. (cf. nāma-grā́h°.)

Grāhayitavya mfn. to be urged to undertake anything (acc.), Daś. viii, 218.

1. Grā́hi f. a female spirit seizing men (and causing death and diseases, swoon, fainting fit), RV. x, 161, 1; AV. (Sleep is described as her son, xvi, 5, 1).

2. Grāhi in comp. for °hin. grāhi—phala m. ‘having astringent fruits’, Feronia elephantum, L.

Grāhika mfn. insisting upon with tenacity, Kathās. il, 16.

Grāhita mfn. made to take or seize, W.; made to accept or take (a seat &c.), Vikr. iii, 0/1; Daś. vii, 266; Kathās. li, 71; made to undertake or to be occupied with (instr.), R. G. i, 7, 14; taught, MBh. iii, 12195.

Grāhin mfn. (Pāṇ. iii, 1, 134) ifc. seizing, taking, holding, laying hold of R.; Śak. ii, 6/7 (v.l.), Bhartṛ.; Kathās.; catching, engaged in catching, xxv, 49; picking, gathering, Sāh. ii, 5/6; containing, holding, Daś. vii, 207; gaining, obtaining, acquiring, R. iii, 72, 1; keeping, Cāṇ. (Subh.); purchasing, Kathās. lvii, 20; drawing, attracting, fascinating, alluring, MBh. xiii, 1403; R. i, v; choosing, MārkP. xxvii, 28; searching, scrutinizing, Śak. ii, 6/7; ‘perceiving, acknowledging’, see guṇa-; astringent, obstructing, constipating, Car. vi, 8; Suśr.; grāhin m. = °hi-phala, L.; grāhiṇī f. (iṇī) a variety of the Alhagi plant, L.; a variety of Mimosa, Npr.; a great kind of lizard, Npr.

2. Akṣá m. (√1. aś, Uṇ.) a die for gambling; a cube; a seed of which rosaries are made (cf. indrâkṣa, rudrâkṣa)

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a-kṣára mfn. imperishable; unalterable; a-kṣára m. a sword, L.; Śiva, L.; Viṣṇu, L.; a-kṣárā a f. See ákṣarā below; a-kṣára n. a syllable; the syllable om, Mn.; a-kṣára n. a letter [m., RāmatUp.]; a-kṣára n. a vowel; a sound; a word; an indelible mark incised on metal or stone; N. of Brahma; final beatitude religious austerity, sacrifice, L.; water,

2. Vi-graha

m. (for 1. See p. 950.col. 2) keeping apart or asunder, isolation, Nir.; BhP.; division, Bh.; distribution (esp. of fluids cf. vi-√grah), KātyŚr.; (in gram.) independence (of a word, as opp. to composition), APrāt.; separation, resolution, analysis, resolution of a compound word into its constituent parts, the separation or analysis of any word capable of separation (such words are Kṛdantas, Taddhitas, all Samāsas or compound words, Ekaśeṣas, and all derivative verbs like desideratives &c.; the only words incapable of resolution being the simple verb, the singular of the noun, and a few indeclinables not derived from roots; all compounds being called nitya or ‘fixed’, when their meaning cannot be ascertained through an analysis of their component parts; cf. jamad-agni), Pāṇ., Sch.; Śaṃk. &c.; discord, quarrel, contest, strife, war with (instr. with or without saha, sârdham or sākam loc. gen. with upari, or comp.), Mn.; MBh. &c.; (one of the 6 Guṇas or measures of policy, Mn. vii, 160 [cf. under guṇa], also applied to the conflict of hostile planets, in this sense also n., Sūryas.; R.; acc. with √kr̥, to make or wage war); separate i.e. individual form or shape, form, figure, the body, Up.; MBh. &c. (also applied to the shape of a rainbow; acc. with √grah, pari-√grah, √kr̥, upâ-√dā, to assume a form); an ornament, decoration, MBh.; R.; (in Sāṃkhya) an element; N. of Śiva, MBh.; of one of Skanda‘s attendants, ib. 2.

1. vi—graha mfn. (for 2. See vi-√grah) freed from ‘the Seizer’ i.e. Rāhu (said of the moon), R.

gurú गुरुPage 359 Column 2

gurú mf(vī)n. (cf. girí; comp. gárīyas, once °yas-tara, guru-tara, superl. gariṣṭha, gurutama See ss.vv.) heavy, weighty (opposed to laghú), RV. i, 39, 3 and iv, 5, 6; AV. &c. (g. śauṇḍâdi, Gaṇar. 101); heavy in the stomach (food), difficult to digest, MBh. i, 3334; Suśr.; great, large, extended, long, Yājñ. (See -kratu), Bhartṛ. &c.; (in prosody) long by nature or position (a vowel), Prāt. (a vowel long both by nature and by position is called garīyas, RPrāt. xviii, 20), Pāṇ. i, 4, 11 and 12; high in degree, vehement, violent, excessive, difficult, hard, RV.; MBh. &c.; grievous, Megh. 80; important, serious, momentous, MBh. &c.; valuable, highly prized, Yājñ. ii, 30 (guru = garīyas) &c.; haughty, proud (speech), Pañcat.; venerable, respectable; gurú m. any venerable or respectable person (father, mother, or any relative older than one‘s self), Gobh.; ŚāṅkhGṛ.; Mn. &c.; a spiritual parent or preceptor (from whom a youth receives the initiatory Mantra or prayer, who instructs him in the Śāstras and conducts the necessary ceremonies up to that of investiture which is performed by the Ācārya, Yājñ. i, 34), RPrāt.; ĀśvGṛ.; PārGṛ.; Mn. &c.; the chief of (gen. or in comp.), Cāṇ.; Ragh. ii, 68; (with Śāktas) author of a Mantra; ‘preceptor of the gods’, Bṛhaspati, Mn. xi; (hence) the planet Jupiter, Jyot.; VarBṛS.; Bhartṛ. &c.; ‘Pāṇḍu-teacher’, Droṇa, L.; Prabhā-kara (celebrated teacher of the Mīmāṃsā, usually mentioned with Kumārila), SŚaṃkar. vi, 50; xv, 157; (= dharma) ‘venerable’, the 9th astrological mansion, VarBṛS. i, 16; Mucuna pruritus, L.; N. of a son of Saṃkṛti, BhP. ix, 21, 2 du. parents, MBh.; gurú m. pl. parents and other venerable persons, Mn. iv; Vikr. v, 10; Kathās.; a honorific appellation of a preceptor (whose N. is also put in the pl.), Jain, Hit.; gurvī a (vī), f. ‘venerable woman’, a mother, Āp. i, 21, 9; ‘great (with child)’, pregnant, a pregnant woman, L.; the wife of a teacher, W.; guru [cf. βαρύς; Lat. gravis; Goth. kauriths; Lith. giéras.]

1vi-bhū विभूPage 978 Column 2

vi-√bhū a P. -bhavati, to arise, be developed or manifested, expand, appear, RV.; TS.; MuṇḍUp.; to suffice, be adequate or equal to or a match for (dat. or acc.), ŚBr.; to pervade, fill, PañcavBr.; to be able to or capable of (inf.), BhP.; to exist (in a-vibhavat, ‘not existing’), KātyŚr.: Caus. -bhāvayati, to cause to arise or appear, develop, manifest, reveal, show forth, display, ŚāṅkhBr.; MBh. &c.; to pretend, feign, Kull. on Mn. viii, 362; to divide, separate, BhP.; to perceive distinctly, find out, discover, ascertain, know, acknowledge, recognise as (acc.), MBh.; Kāv. &c.; to regard or consider as, take for (two acc.), Kuval.; to suppose, fancy, imagine, BhP.; Pañcar.; to think, reflect, Kathās.; Pañcat.; to suppose anything of or about (loc.), BhP.; to make clear, establish, prove, decide, Mn.; Yājñ.; to convict, convince, Yājñ.; Daś. : Pass. of Caus. -bhāvyate, to be considered or regarded as, appear, seem (nom.), MBh.; Kāv. &c. : Desid. See -bubhūṣā: Intens. See -bobhuvat.

śáśvat शश्वत् Page 1060 Column 3

śáśvat mf(śáśvatī, or °tī́)n. (accord. to some for sasvat and corresponding to Gk. ἅπας) perpetual, continual, endless, incessant, frequent, numerous, many (esp. applied to the ever-recurring dawns), RV.; all, every, RV.; AV.; TBr.; śáśvat ind. perpetually, continually, repeatedly, always, ever (śáśvat purā́, from immemorial time; śaśvac-chaśvat, again and again, constantly), RV. &c. &c.; at once, forthwith, directly (generally preceded or followed by ha; śáśvat-śáśvat, no sooner-than forthwith), ŚBr.; BhP.; it is true, certainly, indeed, Br.

(TV: śáśvatam incessantly,cf sukham = sukh/happy + -am/-ly = happily.

śāśvatá शाश्वतPage 1068 Column 3

śāśvatá mf(ī)n. (fr. śaśvat) eternal, constant, perpetual, all (śā́śvatībhyaḥ sámābhyaḥ, śāśvatīḥ samāḥ, or śāśvatam, for evermore, incessantly, eternally), VS. &c. &c.; about to happen, future, MW.; śāśvatá m. N. of Śiva, L.; of Vyāsa, L.; of a son of Śruta (and father of Su-dhanvan), VP.; of a poet and various other writers (esp. of a lexicographer, author of the Anekārtha-samuccaya); śāśvatī́ (ī), f. the earth, L.; śāśvatá n. continuity, eternity, MBh.; heaven, ether, W.

3sūtá सूत Page 1241 Column 2

3. sūtá m. (of doubtful derivation, prob. to be connected with √1. sū; for 1. 2. sūta See pp. 1239 and 1240) a charioteer, driver, groom, equerry, master of the horse (esp. an attendant on a king who in earlier literature is often mentioned together with the grāma-ṇī́; in the epics also a royal herald or bard, whose business was to proclaim the heroic actions of the king and his ancestors, while he drove his chariot to battle, or on state occasions, and who had therefore to know by heart portions of the epic poems and ancient ballads; he is the son of a Kṣatriya by a Brāhmaṇī or of a Brāhman [accord. to Śāśvata also of a Śūdra] and a Kṣatriyā; the most celebrated Sūta was Loma-harṣaṇa who was a pupil of Vyāsa), AV. &c. &c. (IW. 510 n.); a carpenter or wheelwright, L.; N. of a son of Viśvāmitra, MBh.; sūtyā a (yā), f. g. krauḍy-ādi; sūtī b (ī), f. the wife of a Sūta, MW.; a female bard, ib. sūta—karman n. the office or service of a charioteer, MBh.

1sū सूPage 1239 Column 3

1. sū (not separable in all forms fr. √2. sū; cf. 1. su-ṣū́, asu-sū, and √4. su) cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 115) suváti (in Br. also °te, and accord. to Dhātup. xxii, 43 and xxiv, 32 also savati and -sauti; pf. suṣuvé, AV.; p. suṣuvāṇá, q.v.; aor. asāvīt, sāviṣat, RV. : Pass. sūyáte, Br. &c.), to set in motion, urge, impel, vivify, create, produce, RV. &c. &c.; to hurl upon, Bhaṭṭ.; to grant, bestow (esp. said of Savitṛ), RV.; to appoint or consecrate to (Ā. ‘to let one‘s self be consecrated’), AV.; TS.; to allow, authorize, ŚBr. : Intens. soṣavīti, to urge or impel violently (said of Savitṛ), RV.

1. Sūta mfn. urged, impelled &c. (cf. 3. Sūta, p. 1241, col. 2, 1. suta, and nr̥-ṣūta).

2. Sūta mfn. (for 3. See p. 1241, col. 2) born, engendered (See su-ṣūta); one that has, brought forth (young), Mn.; VarBṛS.; sūta m. quicksilver, ŚārṅgS.; Sarvad.; the sun, W.; sūtā (ā), f. a woman who has given birth to a child, MW.; a young quadruped, L.; w.r. for sutā, Pañcat. iii, 192/193. sūta—mahôdadhi m. N. of wk. on medicine (cf. sūtârṇava). sūta—rāj m. quicksilver, L. sūtá—vaśā (sūtá-), f. a cow which remains barren after its first calf, AV.; MaitrS. sūtârṇava m. N. of wk. on medicine (cf. sūta-mahôdadhi).

Sūtaka n. birth (also ‘the calving of a cow’ &c.), GṛS.; Mn.; MBh. &c.; impurity (of parents) caused by child-birth or miscarriage, Yājñ.; Dhūrtas.; impurity (in general), Subh.; an obstacle, Tithyād.; (akā and ikā), f., see below; sūtaka (am), m. n. quick silver, mercury, Sarvad. sūtaka—bhojana n. a natal feast, ŚāṅkhGṛ. sūtaka—sāra m. N. of wk. sūtaka—siddhânta m. N. of wk. sūtakânna n. food rendered impure by child-birth or miscarriage, AitBr.; GṛŚrS. sūtakânnâdya n. id. &c., Mn. iv, 112.

Sūtakā f. a woman recently delivered, Pāṇ. vii, 3, 45, Vārtt. 10, Pat. sūtakā—gr̥ha n. a room set apart for a woman in child-birth, lying-in chamber, L. sūtakâ°gni (°kâgni), m. a fire lighted at the ceremony performed after child-birth (cf. sūtikâgni), ĀpŚr.

Sūtakin mfn. rendered impure by child-birth, Saṃskārak.

2. Sūtí f. birth, production (generally ifc.), TBr.; MBh. &c.; parturition, delivery, lying in Hariv.; Kathās.; yielding fruit, production of crops, BhP.; place or cause or manner of production, Kāv.; BhP.; offspring, progeny, MārkP.; sūtí m. a goose (?), L.; N. of a son of Viśvāmitra (v.l. bhūti), MBh. sūti—kāla m. the time of delivery, Hariv.

1las लस् Page 899 Column 1

1. las cl. 1. P., (Dhātup. xvii, 64) lasati (only p. lasat, lasamāna, and pf. lalāsa; Gr. also aor. alasīt; fut., lasitā, lasiṣyati), to shine, flash, glitter, MBh.; Kāv. &c.; to appear, come to light, arise, Kathās.; to sound, resound, ib. (cf. √ras); to play, sport, frolic, Chandom.; to embrace, Dhātup. : Caus., or cl. 10. (Dhātup. xxxiii, 55), lāsayati (aor. alīlasat; Pass. lāsyate), to dance, R.; to cause to teach to dance, Vikr.; to exercise an art (cf. √laś), Dhātup.; las [cf. Lat. lascivus, lascivire.]

2. Las mfn. shining, glittering (See a-las).

Lasa mfn. shining, playing, moving hither and thither (cf. a-lasá); having the smell of bell-metal, L.; lasa m. fever in a camel, L.; smell of bell-metal, L.; lasā f. saffron, turmeric, L.; lasa n. red sandalwood, L.

Lasita mfn. played, sported &c., MBh.

Lāsa a m. the act of jumping, sporting, dancing, Ṛt. (cf. rāsa); dancing as practised by women, L.; soup. broth (= yūṣa), L.; saliva (?), in alāsa, q.v. lāsa—vatī f. N. of a woman, Kathās.

Lāsaka mfn. moving hither and thither, playing, gamboling, L.; lāsaka m. a dancer, actor (with nartaka, among the names of Śiva), R.; a peacock, L.; N. of a dancer, Kathās.; embracing, surrounding (veṣṭa), L.; lāsaka m. or n. a kind of weapon, Kād.; lāsikā f. a female dancer, Kathās.; Vcar.; a harlot, wanton, L.; a kind of dramatic performance (= vilāsikā), Sāh.; lāsakī f. a dancing girl, L.; lāsaka n. a turret, tower, room on the top of a building (= aṭṭa), L. lāsaka—yuvan m. a young dancer, L.

Lāsana n. moving hither and thither, MBh.

Lāsika mfn. dancing, Śiś.

Lāsin mfn. moving to and fro, dancing, MW. (cf. raṅga-lāsinī).

Lāsya n. dancing, a dance (esp. accompanied with instrumental music and singing), a dance representing the emotions of love dramatically (this was at one time a principal part of the drama, and as such accord. to Bharata and the Daśa-rūpa consisted of 10 divisions or Aṅgas, viz. geya-pada, sthita-pāṭhya, āsīna, puṣpa-gaṇḍikā, pracchedaka, tri-gūḍha or tri-mūḍhaka, saindhava, dvigūḍhaka or vimūḍhaka, uttamóttamaka, and ukta-pratyukta; including also a style of dramatic composition in which there is abrupt transition from Sanskṛt to Prākṛt and from Prākṛt to Sanskṛt; the term Lāsya is also applied to the Nāch [Nautch] dance of the Indian dancing girls, consisting chiefly of gesticulation with a shuffling movement of the feet forwards and backwards, as invented by Pārvati and opposed to the boisterous masculine dance called Tāṇḍava practised by Śiva and his followers; cf. IW. 467), MBh.; Kāv. &c.; lāsya m. a dancer, MārkP.; N. of a king, VP.; lāsyā f. a dancing girl, L.

TV: Kailaasah, masculine proper name, for the mountain home of Shiva (ref. DVP p448) (among other attributes, Shiva is the dancing god, the gender-indeterminate god).

ram रम् Page 867 Column 2

ram cl. 1. Ā. (Dhātup. xx, 23) ramate (Ved. also P. rámati or ramṇāti pf. rarāma, MBh.; reme, Br. &c.; aor. 3. pl. ranta, RV.; araṃsīt, Kāv.; araṃsta, RV.; raṃsiṣam, SV.; fut. rantā Gr.; raṃsyati, Br.; °te, ib. &c.; inf. ramitum, MBh.; rantum, ib. &c.; rantos, Br.; ind.p. ratvā́, ib.; rantvā, Kāv.; -ramya or -ratya, Pāṇ. vi, 4, 38), to stop, stay, make fast, calm, set at rest (P.; esp. pres. ramṇāti), RV.; VS.; (Ā. P.) to delight, make happy, enjoy carnally, MBh.; Hariv.; Śukas.; (Ā.) to stand still, rest, abide, like to stay with (loc. or dat.), RV. &c. &c.; (Ā.; P. only mc.) to be glad or pleased, rejoice at, delight in, be fond of (loc. instr. or inf.), RV. &c. &c.; to play or sport, dally, have sexual intercourse with (instr. with or without samam, saha, sākam or sârdham), ChUp.; MBh. &c.; to couple (said of deer), Pāṇ. iii, 1, 26, Vārtt. 8, Pat. (cf. Caus.); to play with i.e. put to stake (instr.), Bhaṭṭ. : Caus. ramáyati or rāmáyati (aor. árīramat), to cause to stay, stop, set at rest, RV.; TS.; PañcavBr.; KātyŚr.; (ramayati, mc. also °te) to gladden, delight, please, caress, enjoy carnally, MBh.; Kāv. &c. (3. sg. ramayati-tarām, Ratnāv. iii, 9); to enjoy one‘s self, be pleased or delighted, MBh.; Hariv.; mr̥gān ramayati, he tells that the deer are coupling, Pāṇ. iii, 1, 26, Vārtt. 8, Pat. : Desid. in riraṃsā, °su, q.v.: Desid. of Caus. in riramayiṣu, q.v.: Intens. raṃramyate or raṃramīti, Pāṇ. vii, 4, 85. ; ram [cf. Zd. ram, Gk. ἠρέμα, ἔραμαι, ἐρατός; Lith. rìmti; Goth. rimis.] Rama mfn. pleasing, delighting, rejoicing (only ifc.; cf. mano-r°); dear, beloved, W.; rama m. (only L.) joy; a lover, husband, spouse; Kāma-deva, the god of love; the red-flowering Aśoka; ramā a f. See s.v.

Ramaka mfn. sporting, dallying, toying amorously; ramaka m. a lover, suitor, MW. ramaka—tva n. love, affection, ib.

Ramaṇa mf(ī)n. pleasing, charming, delightful, BhP.; ramaṇa m. a lover, husband (cf. kṣapā-r°), MBh.; Kāv. &c.; Kāma-deva, the god of love, L.; an ass, L.; a testicle, L.; a tree similar to the Melia Bukayun, L.; = tinduka, L.; N. of Aruṇa or the charioteer of the Sun, L.; of a mythical son of Manoharā, MBh.; Hariv.; of a man, Pravar.; pl. N. of a people (cf. ramaṭha), MBh.; ramaṇā f. a charming woman, wife, mistress, L.; a kind of metre, Col.; N. of Dākṣāyaṇī in Rāma-tīrtha, Cat.; ramaṇī a f. See s.v.; ramaṇa n. pleasure, joy, Subh.; dalliance, amorous sport, sexual union, copulation, Nir.; Śukas.; decoying (of deer), Śiś. vi, 9 (cf. Pat. on Pāṇ. vi, 4, 24, Vārtt. 3); (ifc.) gladdening, delighting, BhP.; the hinder parts, pudenda (= jaghana), L.; the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca, L.; N. of a forest, Hariv.; of a town, Divyāv. ramaṇa—pati m. N. of a poet, Cat. ramaṇa—vasati f. the dwelling-place of a lover, Megh. ramaṇâsakta mfn. addicted to pleasure, Subh.

Ramaṇī b f. a beautiful young woman, mistress, wife, Kāv.; Kathās.; BhP.; Aloe Indica, L.; a kind of metre, Col.; N. of a serpent-maid, Rājat. ramaṇī—sakta mfn. devoted to a mistress or wife, Subh. Ramatha m. joy, delight, L.

Ramā b f. of rama, q.v.; a wife, mistress, W.; N. of Lakṣmī, the goddess of fortune, Bhartṛ.; BhP.; good luck, fortune, splendour, opulence, Cāṇ.; splendour, pomp, Bhām.; N. of the 11th day in the dark half of the month Kārttika, Cat.; of the syllable śr̥̄m (also rama), Sarvad.; of a daughter of Śaśi-dhvaja and wife of Kalki, KalkiP. ramā—kānta (Pañcat.) or ramā—dhava (L.), m. ‘lover or husband of Ramā’, N. of Viṣṇu. ramā—kānta (Pañcat.) or ramā—dhava (L.), m. ‘lover or husband of Ramā’, N. of Viṣṇu. ramâdhipa (°mâdh°) m. ‘lord of R°’, id., Cat. ramā—nātha m. id., MBh.; N. of various authors (also with vaidya and rāyi), Cat. ramā—pati m. = ramâdhipa, Kathās.; BhP.; N. of various authors (also with miśra), Cat. ramā—priya n. ‘dear to R°’, a lotus, L. ramā—veṣṭa m. turpentine, L. ramā—śaṃkara m. N. of an author, Cat. ramâśraya (°mâś°) m. ‘refuge of R°’, N. of Viṣṇu, BhP. ramêśa (Kāv.) or ramêśvara (Pur.), m. = ramâdhipa. ramêśa (Kāv.) or ramêśvara (Pur.), m. = ramâdhipa.

Ramita mfn. (fr. Caus.) gladdened, delighted, rendered happy, Gīt.; ramita n. (prob.) pleasure, delight (See next). ramita—ṃ-gama m. a proper N. Pāṇ. iii, 2, 47, Sch.

Ramyà a mf(ā́)n. to be enjoyed, enjoyable, pleasing, delightful, beautiful, ŚBr. &c. &c.; = bala-kara, L.; ramyà m. Michelia Champaka, L.; another kind of plant (= baka), L.; N. of a son of Āgnīdhra, VP.; ramyà m. or n. (?) a pleasant abode, Viṣṇ.; ramyā (ā), f. night, Hariv.; Hibiscus Mutabilis, L.; = mahêndra-vāruṇī, L.; (in music) a kind of Śruti, Saṃgīt.; N. of a daughter of Meru (wife of Ramya), BhP.; of a river, W.; ramyà n. the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca, L.; semen virile, L. ramyá—grāma m. N. of a village, MBh.

ramya—tā f. (Pratāp.) pleasantness, loveliness, beauty.

ramya—tva n. (R.) pleasantness, loveliness, beauty.

bhaj भज् Page 743 Column 1

bhaj cl. 1. Ā. P. (Dhātup. xxxiii, 29) bhájati, °te (2. sg. as Impv. bhakṣi, RV.; pf. P. babhā́ja Ā. bhejé, RV. &c.; 2. sg. babhaktha, ŚBr.; bhejitha, Pāṇ. vi, 4, 122; aor. P. 2. 3. sg. abhāk, RV.; Br.; abhākṣīt, °kṣus, BhP.; Subj. bhakṣat, RV.; Ā. ábhakṣi, °kta, RV. &c.; Prec. Ā. bhakṣīyá, RV.; 3. sg. °kṣīṣṭa, Br.; °kṣīta, SV.; fut. bhakṣyati, °te, Br. &c.; bhajiṣyati, °te, MBh. &c.; bhaktā Gr.; inf. bhaktum, Br. &c.; bhajitum, MBh.; ind.p. bhaktvā, AV. &c., °tvāya, RV.; -bhajya and -bhā́jam, Br.), to divide, distribute, allot or apportion to (dat. or gen.), share with (instr.), RV. &c. &c.; (Ā.) to grant, bestow, furnish, supply, ib.; Ā. (rarely P.) to obtain as one‘s share, receive as (two acc.), partake of, enjoy (also carnally), possess, have (acc., Ved. also gen.), ib.; (Ā., rarely P.) to turn or resort to, engage in, assume (as a form), put on (garments), experience, incur, undergo, feel, go or fall into (with acc., esp. of abstract noun, e.g. bhītim, to feel terror; nidrām, to fall asleep; maunam, to become silent), MBh.; Kāv. &c.; to pursue, practise, cultivate, Mn.; R.; Suśr.; to fall to the lot or share of (acc.), MBh.; R. &c.; to declare for, prefer, choose (e.g. as a servant), MBh.; to serve, honour, revere, love, adore, MBh.; Kāv. &c.: Caus. bhājáyati, °te (aor. abībhajuḥ, ŚBr., ababhājat Gr.), to divide, Sūryas.; to deal out, distribute, Gaut.; to cause any one (acc.) to partake of or enjoy (acc. or gen.), RV.; ŚBr.; to put to flight, pursue, chase, drive into (acc.), Bhaṭṭ.; to cook, dress (food), Vop. : Desid. bibhakṣati, °te, MBh. (cf. √bhikṣ) : Intens. bābhajyate, bābhakti, Gr. ; bhaj [cf. Gk. ϕαγεῖν, ϕᾱγός, ϕηγός; Lat. fāgus; Goth. Old S. bōk; Germ. Buch, Buch-stabe; Eng. buck-, beech.]

Bhaktá b mfn. distributed, assigned, allotted, RV. &c. &c.; divided, Sūryas.; (ifc.) forming part of, belonging to, Pāṇ., Sch.; (ifc.) loved, liked, Pāṇ. iv, 2, 54; served, worshipped, W.; dressed, cooked, ib.; engaged in, occupied with, attached or devoted to, loyal, faithful, honouring, worshipping, serving (loc. gen. acc. or comp.), MBh.; Kāv. &c.; bhaktá m. a worshipper, votary (esp. as N. of a division of the Śāktas), IW. 523 n. 1; bhaktá n. food or a meal, Mn.; MBh. &c.; boiled rice, Uttarar.; any eatable grain boiled with water; a vessel, L.; a share, portion, MW. bhakta—kaṃsa m. a dish of food, Pāṇ. vi, 2, 71, Sch. bhakta—kara m. = -kāra, Pat.; artificially prepared incense, L. bhakta—kāra m. ‘food-preparer’, a cook, L. bhakta—kr̥tya n. preparations for a meal, Divyāv. (kr̥ta-bh°, one who has made a meal, ib.) bhakta—gītā-ṭīkā f. N. of wk. bhakta—cchanda m. desire of food, hunger, appetite, Suśr. bhakta—jayantī f. N. of wk. bhakta—jā f. nectar, W. bhakta—tā f. devotedness, attachment, inclination, W. bhakta—tūrya n. music played during a meal, L. bhakta—tva n. (ifc.) the forming part of, belonging to, Pāṇ. vii, 4, 30 Vārtt. 2 Sch. bhakta—da (Mn.) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer. bhakta—dātr̥ (W.) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer. bhakta—dāyaka (Mn.) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer. bhakta—dāyin (MW.) mfn. giving food, supporter, maintainer. bhakta—dāsa m. ‘food-slave’, a slave who serves for his daily food, Mn. viii, 415. bhakta—dveṣa m. aversion from food, loss of appetite, Suśr.; bhakta—dve°ṣin mfn. one who has lost his appetite, ib. bhakta—pātra n. = -kaṃsa, Rājat. bhakta—pulāka m. or n. (?) a mouthful of rice kneaded into a ball, L. bhakta—pratiṣṭhā f. N. of wk. bhakta—maṇḍa or bhakta—maṇ°ḍaka, m. n. the scum of boiled rice, L. bhakta—maṇḍa or bhakta—maṇ°ḍaka, m. n. the scum of boiled rice, L. bhakta—maya-stotra n. bhakta—mālā f. N. of wk. (and °lâgra-grantha m. cf. RTL. 117); bhakta—mālâgra-grantha m., N. of wk. cf. RTL. 117 bhakta—mīmāṃsā f. N. of wk. bhakta—moda-taraṃgiṇī f. N. of wk. bhakta—ruci f. = -cchanda, Suśr. bhakta—rocana mfn. exciting appetite, ib. bhakta—vatsala mfn. kind to worshippers or to faithful attendants, MW.; bhakta—vatsala—māhātmya n. N. of ch. of PadmaP. bhakta—vilāsa m. N. of wk. bhakta—vaibhava n. N. of wk. bhakta—vrāta-saṃtoṣika mn. N. of wk. bhakta—śaraṇa n. ‘food-receptacle’, a store-room or kitchen, ĀśvGṛ. bhakta—śālā f. ‘f°-hall’, (prob.) = prec. (others ‘audience-chamber’), Rājat. bhakta—siktha or bhakta—sik°thaka, m. = -pulāka, L. bhakta—siktha or bhakta—sik°thaka, m. = -pulāka, L. bhaktâkāṅkṣā f. = °ta-cchanda, Suśr. bhaktâgra m. or n. a refectory, Divyāv. bhaktâbhilāṣa m. = °ta-cchanda, Suśr. bhaktâbhisāra m. an eating room (others ‘giving of food’), Divyāv. bhaktâmr̥ta n. N. of wk. bhaktârādhana-prayoga-maṇi-mālikā f. N. of wk. bhaktâruci f. = °ta-dveṣa, Suśr. bhaktôddeśaka m. ‘food-prescriber’, a partic. official in a Buddhist monastery, L. bhaktôpasādhaka m. ‘food-dresser’, a cook, R.

TV: -ti is a suffix creating a feminine action noun. Hence bhaj+ti= enjoyment, devotion.

Bhaktí f. distribution, partition, separation, RV.; TāṇḍBr. &c. (cf. kṣetra-, bhaṅgī-bh°); a division, portion, share, AitBr.; a division of a Sāman (also called vidhi, of which 7 or 5 are enumerated), Lāṭy. Śaṃk.; division by streaks or lines, Ragh.; a streak, line, variegated decoration, Hariv.; Kāv.; a row, series, succession, order (°tyā ind. and °ti-tas ind. in succession), RPrāt.; (ifc.) the being a part of (ajbhakteḥ, ‘on the part of the vowels’), belonging to, Siddh. &c.; that which belongs to or is contained in anything else, an attribute, Nir.; Prāt.; predisposition (of body to any disease), Car.; attachment, devotion, fondness for, devotion to (with loc., gen. or ifc.), trust, homage, worship, piety, faith or love or devotion (as a religious principle or means of salvation, together with karman, ‘works’, and jñāna, ‘spiritual knowledge’; cf. IW. 326; RTL. 97), ŚvetUp.; Bhag.; Kāv.; Pur. &c.; (ifc.) assumption of the form of Megh. 61; often w.r. for bhaṅgi or bhukti; bhaktyā ind. not in the regular sense, figuratively, Śaṃk.; bhaktyā (°tyā), ind., in succession bhakti—kara mf(ī)n., Pāṇ. iii, 2, 21. bhakti—kalpataru m. N. of wk. bhakti—kalpalatā f. N. of wk. bhakti—gamya mfn. accessible by devotion (Śiva), Śivag.

nāyá नाय Page 536 Column 3

2nī नीPage 565 Column 1

2. nī (for 1. See p. 543, col. 3) cl. 1. Ā. P. (Dhātup. xxii, 5) nayati, °te (pf. P. nināya, 2. sg. ninetha, RV., 1. pl. nīnima, TS.; Subj. ninīthás Pot. ninīyāt, RV.; Impv. ninetu, MaitrS.; Ā. ninye, Br. &c.; -nayām āsa, MBh.; -nayāṃ cakre, R.; aor. P. 3. du. anītām Subj. néṣi, nethā́, RV.; anaiṣīt Subj. neṣati, °ṣat, 3. pl. Ā. aneṣata, ib.; anayīt, AV.; fut. neṣyati, AV.; °te, Br.; nayiṣyati, °te, MBh.; R.; nétā, nayitā, ib.; ind.p. nītvā, Br. &c.; nayitvā, MBh.; nī́ya, AV. &c.; inf. neṣáṇi, RV.; nétavai, °tos and nayitum, Br.; nétum, ib. &c. &c.), to lead, guide, conduct, direct, govern (also with agram and gen.; cf. agra-ṇī), RV. &c. &c.; to lead &c. towards or to (acc. with or without prati dat., loc. or artham ifc.), ib.; to lead or keep away, exclude from (abl.), AitBr.; (Ā.) to carry off for one‘s self (as a victor, owner &c.), AV.; TĀr.; MBh.; (Ā., rarely P.) to lead home i.e. marry, MBh.; R.; to bring into any state or condition (with acc., e.g. with vaśam, to bring into subjection, subdue [Ā. RV. x, 84, 3; AV. v, 19, 5; P. Ragh. viii, 19]; with śūdra-tām, to reduce to a Śūdra, Mn. iii, 15; with sākṣyam [Ā.], to admit as a witness, viii, 197; with vyāghra-tām, to change into a tiger, Hit.; with vikrayam, to sell, Yājñ.; with paritoṣam, to satisfy, Pañc.; with duḥkham, to pain, Amar.; rarely, with loc., e.g. duhitr̥-tve, to make a person one‘s daughter, R. i, 44, 38; or with an adv. in -sāt, e.g. bhasmasāt to reduce to ashes, Pañc. i, 198/199); to draw (a line &c.), ŚāṅkhŚr.; Sūryas.; to pass or spend (time), Yājñ.; Kāv. &c.; (with daṇḍam) to bear the rod i.e. inflict punishment, Mn.; Yājñ. (with vyavahāram) to conduct a process, Yājñ.; (with kriyām) to conduct a ceremony, preside over a religious act, MBh.; to trace, track, find out, ascertain, settle, decide (with anyathā, ‘wrongly’), Mn.; Yājñ.; MBh. &c.; (Ā.) to be foremost or chief, Pāṇ. i, 3, 36 : Caus. nāyayati, °te, to cause to lead &c.; to cause to be led by (instr.), Mn. v, 104 (cf. Pāṇ. i, 4, 52, Vārtt. 5, Pat.) : Desid. nínīṣati, te (AV. xix, 50, 5, w. r. nineṣati), to wish to lead or bring or carry to or into (acc. or dat.), AV.; Up.; MBh. &c.; to wish to carry away, R.; to wish to spend or pass (time), Naiṣ.; to wish to exclude from (abl.), AitBr.; to wish to find out or ascertain, investigate, MBh. : Intens. nenīyáte to lead as a captive, have in one‘s power, rule, govern, TS.; VS.; MBh.

3. Nī mfn. leading, guiding, a leader or guide (mostly ifc., cf. Pāṇ. iii, 2, 61 and agra-ṇī, agreṇī; but also alone cf. vi, 4, 77; 82 &c.)

Nīti f. leading or bringing, guidance, management, L.; conduct, (esp.) right or wise or moral c° or behaviour, prudence, policy (also personified), political wisdom or science, moral philosophy or precept (also pl.), Mn.; MBh.; Kāv. &c.; relation to, dependence on (itarêtarayoḥ), MBh.; presenting, offering (?), Pāṇ. v, 3, 77; acquirement, acquisition, W. nīti—kathā f. any work on moral or political science, W. nīti—kamalâkara m. N. of wk. nīti—kalpa-ta

netavya नेतव्यPage 568 Column 3

netavya b mfn. (√nī) to be led or guided &c.; to be led away; to be led towards or to or into (acc.), MBh.; Kāv. &c.; to be applied, Śaṃk.; to be examined, ib.

Netī f. the drawing of a thread through the nose and mouth (as a kind of penance), Cat.

Nétr̥ b mfn. leading, guiding, one who leads or will lead, RV. x, 26, 5; nétr̥ m. bringer, offerer (with acc.; cf. Pāṇ. ii, 3, 69), MBh.; netŕ̥ leader, guide, conductor (with gen. or ifc.), RV. &c. &c.; nétr̥ (with daṇḍasya) ‘rod-applier’, inflicter of punishment, Mn. vii, 25 (cf. daṇḍa-n°); the leader or chief of an army, Var.; N. of Viṣṇu, RTL. 106 n.; the hero of a drama (= nāyaka), Daśar.; Sāh.; a master, owner, W.; the numeral 2 MW. (cf. netra); Azadirachta Indica, L.; netrī́ f. a female leader (with gen. or ifc.), RV.; TS.; MBh. &c.; a river, L.; a vein, L.; N. of Lakṣmi, L. netr̥—tva n. the office or business of a leader, BhP. netr̥—mat mfn. containing the word, netr̥, AitBr.

Netra m. a leader, guide (with gen. R. [B.] iii, 66, 10; mostly ifc., e.g. tvaṃ-netra, ‘having you for guide’, MBh. ii, 2486 [f. ā, ib. ix, 222]; cf. Pāṇ. v, 4, 116, Vārtt. 2, 3, Pat.), AitUp.; MBh.; BhP.; N. of a son of Dharma and father of Kuntī, BhP.; of a son of Su-mati, MatsyaP.; netrá n. (and m., Siddh.) leading, guiding, conducting, AV. x, 10, 22; (ifc. f(ā). ) the eye (as the guiding organ, also -ka, Hcat.; cf. nayana); the numeral 2 Sūryas. (cf. netr̥); the string by which a churning-stick is whirled round, MBh.; a pipe-tube, Car.; an injection pipe, Suśr.; the root of a tree, Kād.; a kind of cloth, Hcar.; a veil, R.; Ragh.; a carriage, L.; a river, L. netra—kanīnikā f. the pupil of the eye, L. netra—kārmaṇa n. a spell for the eyes, Vcar. netra—kośa m. the eyeball or the bud of a flower, R. (also written -koṣa). netra—gocara mfn. within the range of the eyes, visible, BhP. netra—capala mfn. restless with the eyes, Mn. iv, 177. netra—cchada m. the eyelid, L. netra—ja mfn. ‘eye-born’ (with or sc. vāri); netra—ja n. a tear, R.; W.

nāyá m. (√nī) a leader, guide, RV. vi, 24, 10; 46, 11 (proper N. Sāy.; cf. aśva-, go-); guidance, direction, L.; policy, means, expedient, Bhaṭṭ., Sch.

Nāyaka m. a guide, leader, chief, lord, principal, MBh.; Kāv. &c. (with or scil. sainyasya, a general, commander; ifc. f(akā). cf. a-nāyaka); a husband, BhP.; (in dram.) the lover or hero; the central gem of a necklace (implying also ‘a general’ cf. nāyakāya and mahā-nāyaka); a paradigm or example (in gram.); N. of Gautama Buddha, Buddh.; of a Brāhman, Rājat.; of an author (also bhaṭṭa-n°), Cat.; nāyaka mn. a kind of musk, L. (cf. nāyikā-cūrṇa); nāyikā a f. See nāyikā nāyaka—tva n. leadership, R. nāyaka—ratna n. N. of a Comm. nāyakâdhipa m. ‘chief of leaders’, sovereign, king, L.

2dha ध Page 508 Column 1

TV: san-: prefix meaning together, with (refer DVP p151)

2. dha mf(ā)n. (√1. dhā; cf. 2. dhā) ifc. placing, putting; holding, possessing, having; bestowing, granting, causing &c. (cf. a-doma-dhá, garbha-dhá); dha m. N. of Brahmā or Kubera, L.; (in music) the 6th note of the gamut; virtue, merit, L.; dha n. wealth, property, L.; dhā a f. in 2.

TV: +gu -ana: suffix creating neuter action or agent nouns. Preceding root takes guna if possible (refer DVP p372).

prach प्रछ् Page 658 Column 1

prach cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 120), pr̥cchati (Ved. and ep. also Ā. pr̥cchate; pf. papraccha, Br. &c., papr̥kṣé [?] RV. iv, 43, 7; aor. áprākṣīt, AV. &c., áprāṭ, RV., apraṣṭa, Kāv.; fut. prakṣyati, Br. &c., praṣṭā Gr.; ind.p. pr̥ṣṭvā, -pr̥cchya, MBh.; inf. práṣṭum, AV. &c., -pŕ̥ccham, °cche, RV.),

to ask, question, interrogate (acc.); to ask after inquire about (acc.); to ask or interrogate any one (acc.) about anything (acc. dat. loc., prati, or adhikr̥tya with acc.; arthe or hetoḥ ifc.), RV. (pr.p. Ā. pr̥cchamāna, ‘asking one‘s self’ x, 34, 6) &c. &c.; (in astrol.) to consult the future, Var.; (with nāmato mātaram) to inquire about one‘s (gen.) mother‘s name, Śak.; (with na) not to trouble one‘s self with, ĀśvŚr.; to seek, wish, long for; to ask, demand, beg, entreat (acc.), RV. : Pass. pr̥cchyáte, to be asked or questioned about (act. dat. &c., as above), RV. &c. &c.: Caus. pracchayati (aor. apapracchat) Gr.: Desid. pipr̥cchiṣati, Pāṇ. i, 2, 8 : Intens. parīpr̥cchyate, Pāṇ. vii, 4, 90; Pat.; prach [Orig. pr̥k; cf. Lat. preces, procus; poscere for porscere; Slav. prositi; Lith. praszýti; Germ. frâhên, fragen; forskôn, forschen.]

Pracchana b nf. asking, inquiring, a question, inquiry, L.

TV: pari: around, about. e.g., aT: wander, paryaTi, wanders about (refer DVP p150). Or jnaane: upon knowing, parijnaane: upon knowing about.

TV: Since "pRcch", "to ask", is normally Parasmaipada, this form should not occur, however prach can be Aatmanepada voice (among the "for self" paradigms) according to Monier Williams, "cl. 6. P. (Dhātup. xxviii, 120), pr̥cchati (Ved. and ep. also Ā. pr̥cchate; pf. papraccha, Br. &c.", then we may create an imperfect (one of the several simple past tenses in Sanskrit) third singular past tense verb using the Aatmanepada voice, secondary suffix, -ata instead of the expected Parasmaipada ending -at. Imperfect takes the root, prefixes "a-" and suffixes a secondary suffix, which is here "-ata", yielding "apRcchata". An upasarga, verbal prefix "pari":"around,about" finally yields after sandhi of /i/ to /y/ before /a/, "paryapRcchata". Whew.

1śri श्रि Page 1098 Column 1

1. śri cl. 1. Ā. P. (Dhātup. xxi, 31) śrayati, °te (pf. śiśrā́ya, śiśriyé; aor. áśret, āśriyan, RV.; aśrait, AV.; áśiśriyat, ib. &c. ; aśrā̆yiṣṭa Gr. [Ved. forms belonging either to the pf. or aor. type are also aśiśret, °śrema, °śrayuḥ, śiśrītá]; fut. śrayitā Gr.; śrayiṣyati, °te, Br. &c.; inf. śrayitum, MBh.; śrayitavaí, Br.; ind.p. śrayitvā, MBh. &c., -śrítya, Br. &c.) P. to cause to lean or rest on, lay on or in, fix on, fasten to, direct or turn towards, (esp.) spread or diffuse (light or radiance or beauty) over (loc.), RV.; TS.; Br.; (Ā. or Pass., rarely P.) to lean on, rest on, recline against (acc.), cling to (loc.), be supported or fixed or depend on, abide in or on (acc. loc. or adv.), ib.; ĀśvGṛ.; ChUp.; MBh.; (Ā. P.) to go to, approach, resort or have recourse to (for help or refuge), tend towards (acc.), MBh.; Kāv. &c.; (Ā.) to go into, enter, fall to the lot or take possession of (acc. or loc.), Kāv.; Kathās.; (Ā. P.) to attain, undergo, get into any state or condition (acc.), ib. &c.; to assume (with śrāvikā-tvam, ‘to assume the form of a Śrāvikā’, q.v.), Kathās.; HPariś.; to show, betray (heroism), R.; to honour, worship, Dhātup. : Pass. śrī̆yate (aor. áśrāyi: cf. above), RV. &c. &c.: Caus. śrāpayati (in uc-chr°), VS.; śrāyayati (aor. aśiśrayat; for aśiśriyat See above) Gr.: Desid. śiśrayiṣati, °te or śiśrīṣati, °te Gr.: Intens. śeśrīyate, śeśrayīti, śeśreti, ib. ; śri [cf. Gk. κλίνω, κλίνη, κλῖμαξ; Lat. clino, clivus; Lith. szlýti, szlë́ti, szlaítas; Goth. hlains; hlaiw; Germ. hlinên, linên, lehnen; Angl.Sax. hlinian; Eng. lean.]

3śrī श्री Page 1098 Column 2

3. śrī f. (prob. to be connected with √1. śri and also with √1. śrī in the sense of ‘diffusing light or radiance’ ; nom. śrī́s accord. to some also śrī)

light, lustre, radiance, splendour, glory, beauty, grace, loveliness (śriyé and śriyaí, ‘for splendour or beauty’, ‘beauteously’, ‘gloriously’ cf. śriyáse; du. śriyau, ‘beauty and prosperity’; śriya ātmajāḥ, ‘sons of beauty’ i.e. horses [cf. śrī-putra]; śriyaḥ putrāḥ, ‘goats with auspicious marks’), RV. &c. &c.; prosperity, welfare, good fortune, success, auspiciousness, wealth, treasure, riches (śriyā, ‘accord° to fortune or wealth’), high rank, power, might, majesty, royal dignity (or ‘Royal dignity’ personified; śriyo bhājaḥ, ‘possessors of dignity’, ‘people of high rank’), AV. &c. &c.; symbol or insignia of royalty, Vikr. iv, 13; N. of Lakṣmī (as goddess of prosperity or beauty and wife of Viṣṇu, produced at the churning of the ocean, also as daughter of Bhṛgu and as mother of Darpa), ŚBr. &c. &c.; N. of Sarasvatī (See -pañcamī); of a daughter of king Su-śarman, Kathās.; of various metres, Col.; (the following only in L. ‘a lotus-flower; intellect, understanding; speech; cloves; Pinus Longifolia; Aegle Marmelos; a kind of drug = vr̥ddhi; N. of a Buddhist goddess and of the mother of the 17th Arhat’); śrī m. N. of the fifth musical Rāga (See rāga), Saṃgīt.; śrī mfn. diffusing light or radiance, splendid, radiant, beautifying, adorning (ifc.; See agni-, adhvara-, kṣatra-, gaṇa-, jana-śrī &c.), RV. iv, 41, 8.. [The word śrī is frequently used as an honorific prefix (= ‘sacred’, ‘holy’) to the names of deities (e.g. Śrī-Durgā, Śrī-Rāma), and may be repeated two, three, or even four times to express excessive veneration. (e.g. Śrī-śrī-Durgā &c.); it is also used as a respectful title (like ‘Reverend’) to the names of eminent persons as well as of celebrated works and sacred objects (e.g. Śrī-Jayadeva, ŚrīBhāgavata), and is often placed at the beginning or back of letters, manuscripts, important documents &c.; also before the words caraṇa and pāda ‘feet’, and even the end of personal names.] śrī—āhnika n. N. of wk. on Dharma. śrī—kaṇṭha m. ‘beautiful-throated’, a partic. bird, VarBṛS

devá देव Page 492 Column 2

devá mf(ī)n. (fr. 3. div) heavenly, divine (also said of terrestrial things of high excellence), RV.; AV.; VS.; ŚBr. (superl. m. devá-tama, RV. iv, 22, 3 &c.; f. devi-tamā, ii, 41, 16); devá m. (according to, Pāṇ. iii, 3, 120 déva) a deity, god, RV. &c. &c.; (rarely applied to) evil demons, AV. iii, 15, 5; TS. iii, 5, 4, 1; (pl. the gods as the heavenly or shining ones; ...

... the image of a god, an idol, Viṣṇ.; a god on earth or among men, either Brāhman, priest, RV.; AV. (cf. bhū-d°), or king, prince (as a title of honour, esp. in the voc. ‘your majesty’ or ‘your honour’; ... a fool, dolt, L.; a child, L.; a man following any partic. line or business, L.; a spearman, lancer, L.; emulation, wish to excel or overcome, L.; sport, play, L.; a sword, Gal.; ... [cf. Lat. dīvus, deus; Lit. dë́vas; Old Pruss. deiwas.]

Devī́ c f. (cf. devá) a female deity, goddess, RV.; AitBr.; MBh. &c. (e.g. Uṣas, RV. vii, 75, 5; Sarasvatī, v, 41, 17; Sāvitrī, the wife of Brahmā, MBh.; Durgā, the wife of Śiva, MBh.; Hariv.; Kāv. &c.; the 4 goddesses of Buddhists are Rocanī, Māmakī, Pāṇḍurā and Tārā, Dharmas. iv); N. of nymph beloved by the Sun, L.; of an Apsaras, MBh. i, 4818; (with Jainas) the mother of 18th Arhat of present Ava-sarpiṇī, L.; queen, princess lady (the consecrated wife or daughter of a king, but also any woman of high rank), MBh.; Kāv. &c.; a kind of bird (= śyāmā), L.; a partic. supernatural power (= kuṇḍalinī), Cat.; worship, reverence, W.; N. of plants (colocynth, a species of cyperus, Medicago Esculenta &c.), L.; (also) = gāyatrī, Parāś.; = nāgī, Buddh.


pára पर Page 586 Column 1

1. pára mf(ā)n. (√1. pr̥; abl. sg. m. n. párasmāt, °rāt; loc. párasmin, °re; nom. pl. m. páre, °rās, °rāsas; cf. Pāṇ. i, 1, 34; vii, 1, 16; 50) far, distant, remote (in space), opposite, ulterior, farther than, beyond, on the other or farther side of, extreme; previous (in time), former; ancient, past; later, future, next; following, succeeding, subsequent; final, last; exceeding (in number or degree), more than; better or worse than, superior or inferior to, best or worst, highest, supreme, chief (in the compar. meanings [where also -tara], with abl., rarely gen. or ifc.; exceptionally. paraṃ śatam, more than a hundred

devêśa m. ‘chief of the gods’, N. of Brahmā or Viṣṇu or Śiva or Indra, MBh.; Kāv.; king, prince, MBh. xiii, 1832


dīkṣ दीक्ष् Page 480 Column 3

dīkṣ (Desid. of √dakṣ?) cl. 1. Ā. dīkṣate, Dhātup. xvi, 8 (pf. didīkské; fut. dīkṣiṣyáte; aor. adidīkṣas and adīkṣiṣṭa, Br.; ind.p. dīkṣitvā, ChUp.) to consecrate or dedicate one‘s self (esp. for the performance of the Soma-sacrifice), Br.; Up.; Pur.; to dedicate one‘s self to a monastic order, Buddh. : Caus. dīkṣayati, °te, to consecrate, initiate, TS.; Br.; pf. didīkṣur, TāṇḍyaBr. xxiv, 18; to consecrate as a king, MBh.; Hariv.; to make ready, prepare, MBh. : Desid. didīkṣiṣate, to wish to be consecrated, AitBr. iv, 25.

Dīkṣaka m. a priest, spiritual guide; N. of a king, Vīrac.

Dīkṣaṇa n. consecrating one‘s self or causing one‘s self to be consecrated, consecration, initiation, ŚrS.; MBh.; dīkṣaṇā f. id., VarBṛS. xcviii, 14. dīk°ṣaṇī́ya mfn. (fr. √dikṣ) to be consecrated or initiated; (fr. dīkṣaṇa) relating to consecration, Br.; dīk°ṣaṇī́yā f. (Vait.) = °yeṣṭi f. the sacrifice of consecration or initiation, Br.; ŚrS.

Dīkṣā́ f. preparation or consecration for a religious ceremony, undertaking religious observances for a partic. purpose and the observances themselves, AV.; VS.; Br.; ŚrS. &c.; dedication, initiation (personified as the wife of Soma, RV. 25, 26, of Rudra Ugra or R° Vāmadeva, Pur.); any serious preparation (as for battle), MBh.; Hariv.; Kāv.; self-devotion to a person or god, complete resignation or restriction to, exclusive occupation with (comp.; cf. viraha-, śāka-, śr̥ṅgāra.).

pra-dih प्रदिह् Page 680 Column 1

pra-√dih P. -degdhi, to smear over, besmear, anoint, Suśr. pra-°digdha b mfn. smeared over, anointed, stained or covered with (instr. or comp.), ib.; MBh.; R. &c.; pra-°digdha n. (scil. māṃsa) a kind of dish prepared with meat, L.; pra-°digdha m. a kind of sauce or gravy, W. pra-°deha m. a plaster, a thick or viscid ointment, poultice, Suśr.; applying a plaster, unction, ib.; solid food (perhaps inspissated juice &c.), ib. pra-°dehana n. smearing, anointing, Kauś.

TV: pradehi = pradih(P) -hi (Imp 2p sg).
The second person, singular, parasmaipada (P) suffixes for the imperative include -∅, -dhi, -hi.

dih दिह् Page 480 Column 2

1. dih cl. 2. Ā. P. degdhi, digdhe, Dhātup. xxiv, 5 (Subj. -déhat, RV. vii, 50, 2; pf. dideha, didihe, MBh.; fut. dhekṣyati, degdhā, Siddh.; aor. adhikṣat, °ta, 3. pl. °ṣur, JaimBr.; adigdka, Pāṇ. vii, 3, 73) to anoint, smear, plaster, ŚBr.; KātyŚr.; Mn.; MBh.; R. &c.; increase, accumulate, L. : Caus. dehayati, °te, MBh. &c.; aor. adīdihat: Desid. didhikṣati, °te; dhīkṣate (ŚBr.), to wish to anoint one‘s self: Intens. dedihyate, dedegdhi. ; dih [Fr. orig. dhigh; cf. θιγγάνω, ἔ-θιγ-ον, τεῖχος, τοῖχος; Lat. fingo, figulus, figura; Goth. deigan, gadigis; O.E. dāh; Eng. dough; Germ. Teig.]

de दे /de/ although similar in form seems unrelated.

de cl. 1. Ā. dayate, Dhātup. xxii, 66; pf. digye, Pāṇ. vii, 4, 9, to protect, defend: Desid. ditsate, 54. [cf. 1. datta; 4. 5. dā.]

śivá शिव Page 1074 Column 1

śivá mf(ā́)n. (according to, Uṇ. i, 153, fr. √1. śī, ‘in whom all things lie’; perhaps connected with √śvi cf. śavas, śiśvi) auspicious, propitious, gracious, favourable, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly, dear (°vám ind. kindly, tenderly), RV. &c. &c.; happy, fortunate, BhP.; śivá m. happiness, welfare (cf. n.), R. v, 56, 36; śivá m. liberation, final emancipation, L.; ‘The Auspicious one’, N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindū Trimūrti or Triad, the other two being Brahmā ‘the creator’ and Viṣṇu ‘the preserver’; in the Veda the only N. of the destroying deity was Rudra ‘the terrible god’, but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. Śiva ‘the auspicious’ [just as the Furies were called Εὐμενίδες ‘the gracious ones’], and to assign him the office of creation and reproduction as well as dissolution; in fact the preferential worship of Śiva as developed in the Purāṇas and Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers [called Śaivas]; ...

śivá m. the swift antelope, L.; rum, spirit distilled from molasses, L.; buttermilk, L.; a ruby, L.; a peg, L.; time, L.; N. of a son of Medhātithi, MārkP.; of a son of Idhma-jihva, BhP.; of a prince and various authors (also with dīkṣita, bhaṭṭa, paṇḍita, yajvan, sūri &c.), Cat.; of a fraudulent person, Kathās.; (du.) the god Śiva and his wife, Kir. v, 40; Pracaṇḍ. i, 20 (cf. Vām. v, 2, 1); pl. N. of a class of gods in the third Manvantara, Pur.; of a class of Brāhmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of Śiva, MBh.; ...

N. of a Purāṇa (= śiva-purāṇa or śaiva), Cat.; ... śivám (ám), ind., kindly, tenderly śiva—kaṇṭha-malikā f. N. of a Stotra. śiva—kara mf(ī)n. causing happiness or prosperity, auspicious, propitious, W.

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Created: June 1, Modified: June 26, 2024