On the forehand, keep your palm up throughout the stroke.
Do not pronate your forearm (rotate it about its long axis) during the stroke.
History: On January 11, 10 days ago, I spent a couple of hours hitting with a robot and hitting a box of balls by dropping each vertically a few inches from the table and stroking against a dead ball hanging in the air, and I discovered an important principle that has made a big difference in my play in the last week and a half.
I have achieved a number of personal bests (winning table 2 in the round robins at both the Bellevue and Olympic table tennis clubs; no upset losses, achieving a couple of match points against Randall Ly (2113), and victories over Raymond Lock (1911), Rodney Lock (1687), Roel Aguanta (1746), Gary Stonecipher (1745), and Chris Solomon (1904), all players that I haven't beaten either ever or not recently. (ratings as of 11/8/02).If you keep your palm up throughout the windup and contact and follow-through, the paddle orientation becomes solidly stabilized in terms of the altitude of the ball trajectory bouncing off your paddle. Unconscious adjustments of shoulder and perhaps the meaning of "palm up" are sufficient to handle any variation in incoming spin, from dead to heavy topspin; instead, the mental image during the stroke is a consistent one of keeping the hand palm up throughout the stroke.
Think of rattling a handful of marbles in your cupped palm. The primary V grip wrist motions of major and minor wrist-joint adduction/abduction (handshaking and hand-patting) can be made fairly freely without restriction, but just don't turn your forearm over from palm-up to palm-down or even palm-forward.
Don't forget to keep your paddle-side shoulder down! I spent a
frustrating day playing yesterday, 7 hours, until around halfway
through I realized that my paddle-side shoulder was high. I had been
thinking about keeping my hand flat, which was great, but I had
forgotten about keeping my shoulder down. Big Mistake! I
played terribly until I figured out what I was doing; afterwards I
beat Viktor Sidorov 3-1 at the Green Lake TTC, who is presently rated
about 300 points above me.
Before I figured out "Palm Up on Forehand" I had been working on
backhand wrist control. I took a box of balls, bounced each on the
end of the table, a dead, short, vertical bounce, and hit it with the
backhand, using a small wrist stroke, to learn the how to let the hand
Do 300 balls flat, with the palm down but pay attention to how loose
or tight the wrist is. There should be some whipping effect as the
forearm's stroke forward (NOT rotating around the long axis of
the forearm!!) applies tension to the wrist in the initial part of the
stroke, which is releases through the point of contact. But try to
keep some stiffness in the handshaking motion of the joint, and do not
bend the major joint very much; too much bend there destabilizes
things too, unless you really want to spin heavily; the counterdriving
backhand stroke should have a fairly straight wrist even at the windup
endpoint). Keep the palm down, but you can open/close the minor wrist
joint in the hand-shaking dimension (or in this context, better to
think of wiping a table with a small wrist motion, palm down), to slap
the ball flat. This makes a huge improvement in backhand
counter-driving, which is the foundation of everything on the
Then hit 300 table-bounced balls with heavy topspin, again palm down,
but with as much wrist motion in BOTH wrist joint axes
(NOTforearm rotation about its long axis!). Again, whip it.
Maybe 300 balls isn't enough. By this time you should be able to make
an efficient wrist whip that is an effective kill loop.
Now that you have gotten some touch with a ball trajectory that is
easy to synchronize your whipping motion to intersect correctly, your
job is to learn how to do that same wrist motion as part of a big
full-body stroke, against a much different ball bounce. It's a big
world of differences. But the wrist whip with palm down should
survive the learning process.
Against underspin, drop the hand below your knees in the windup;
during the stroke your upper arm should move early to a horizontal
position, extended straight in front of your shoulder, early in the
stroke, body almost in a sitting position, leaning back; then the
forearm whips strongly up and out. Spread out the wrist's whipping
motion in time throughout the bigger body movements, so that they all
move as an integrated whole, each accentuating the other. I have to
re-emphasize even here, even at this point in the stroke, do
NOT rotate the forearm about its axis! At the end of the
stroke, your opponent should see the top of your paddle, not
the bottom or side of it.
This solves two major problems: blade angle, and point of contact
First, blade angle varies as the forearm rotates about its axis. If
the player doesn't rotate the forearm, the blade angle is stabilized.
Assuming the forearm is horizontal and the wrist straight, the
altitude of the rebounding ball varies as the forearm rotates about
its axis), so the exact angle of rotation must be matched to the exact
point of contact in order to hit the ball with an accurate altitude.
This is quite difficult and a major source of instability. If the
wrist is bent quite a bit, then forearm rotation can be used to apply
power to the ball, but again perfect timing is required, and
instability is the result.
Second, point of contact varies as the forearm rotates about its
Assuming that the forearm is horizontal and that the incoming ball
trajectory is also horizontal (perpendicular to the forearm, but
perhaps crossing above or below the line of the axis of the forearm:
if the wrist is bent, or even if the ball simply contacts the paddle
anywhere other than the straight line down the axis of the forearm
(that is, anywhere along its sides), then the rotation of the forearm
about its axis will result in a different location in space of the
point of contact with the ball, where the ball's trajectory intersects
with the paddle. Easily the point of contact can slop around in a
segment of the ball's trajectory of one inch (2cm) or even as many as
three inches (8cm) in length.
Since top level players complain about balls that aren't completely
round, presumeably because of the millimeter differences in the
location of the point of contact produced by hitting a non-round ball
on its flat spot, this kind of variation is a huge detriment to stable
play. And indeed my feeling as a player is very clear: remove forearm
rotation from the equation, and play becomes much more simple, easy
and intuitive. My "mysterious fly ball" problem is vastly reduced.
So use my advice, don't spend the time I spent doing the wrong thing.
And let me know if it helped.
Backhand loop? Make a stiff whip!
On the backhand also, keep your palm in a fixed orientation throughout
the stroke. In this case it is palm down rather than palm up.Using the Wrist
Simplicity is progress, it seems. I always wondered, How will the
pronation of the forearm fit into the mechanics of the V grip? And
the simple answer is, it doesn't. To paraphrase the Nike
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