Thank you for helping us.

The purpose of this questionnaire is not to evaluate you or your knowledge, but to evaluate and improve this page itself,
especially to see if the drawings actually identify the sounds or letters that we hope they will.

Please (optionally) give name and contact details. (We won't abuse your inbox but we may want to ask you another question or two later, and we will also report our results eventually.)

Name: _______________. Email or Phone# or WhatsApp ID: _____________________. Location: __________________.

The following will help us interpret the results:

Your native language and any other languages: _______________________________.

Years of school or highest degree:_______.

Describe any training in languages, linguistics, or phonetics:______________________________


Each empty box and underline is a question: What is the sound here? Put down how you would write the sound, using English letters, or a short word if you prefer (then circle the relevant letter(s)), or any other symbol you might know.

If you have more than one good answer in mind please write them all down. Multiple guesses are fine. "?" or "unknown" is a good answer -- this is testing the instrument, not you.





















  Next, these empty boxes with diagonals, in the first and third rows, ask two questions. Please write in sounds for the upper and the lower triangles.
Don't forget the empty boxes in rows 2, 4, 5, 6.


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  Last, please describe each of the tones below.
(You may use Falling, Rising, Rising-falling, Falling-rising, High, Low,
or any other description you like, including "none of the above.")