Heart's Recognition
This ancient text transmits a comprehensive philosophy of yoga
once developed by a lineage* of philosopher saints in Hindu Kashmir.
It offers a unified theory of our subjective universe,
distilled into a form which also shows a path to liberation.
It says what you are, what you have forgotten, and how to remember.
It rewards close and repeated study and contemplation.
I encourage you also to read it, try to understand it, and keep it close to
you, as I do.
Pratyabhijna Hrdayam
Recognition of-the-heart
Heart's Recognition
1 Chitih svatantraa visva siddhi hethuh
Chiti-M-sg-nom freedom-F-sg-nom all,world magical-power is the cause
Consciousness, freedom, is the cause of the miracle of everything,
2 Sva icchayaa sva bhitt-au visva-m un-miila-ya-ti
self will,desire-F-sg-instr self wall-F-sg-loc world-N-acc-sg shows
which it displays on its own screen, according to its own will;
3 Tan naanaa anu- rupa graah-ya graah-aka bhedaat
It-N-sg-nom variously following-form hold-ed hold-er differentiates
That differentiates into the grasper/beholder and the grasped/beheld in
various suitable forms.
4 Chiti-sankoch-aatma chetano' pi sankuch-ita visva-mayah
Chiti-contract-nature consciousness also contract-ed world-stuff
Soul, whose nature is contracted consciousness, is also what
the contracted world is made of.
5 Chitireva chetana pada-davarudha chetya
Chiti even pure-consciousness state-descend consciousness-of
sankoch-ini chittam
contract-ed_one individual-consciousness
Consciousness, descending from the state of pure consciousness to a
contracted one's awareness, becomes individual consciousness,
6 Tan mayo maya pramata
That form form governed
and in that form is governed by form/maya/delusion.
7 Sa cha eko dvi rupas tri mayas chatur atma sapta panch-aka sva-bhavaha
That also one two form three form four self seven five-of self-being
Also being one, that takes the form of duality, the three delusions
(states of being awake, dreaming, and deep-sleep), four selves, and
seven fives
the five senses (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell),
the five organs of action (hands, feet, tongue, excretory and sexual
the fivefold action (see below),
the five pranas or energy-flows:
(breath-flow/respiration, downward-flow/excretion,
diffuse-flow/holding-together, ascending-flow/sexual energy)
the five coverings of the self:
the physical covering: the body
the vital covering: the pranas and action
the mental covering: the mind and senses
the covering of intellect: faculties of insight and decision and
the sense of doership
the covering of bliss: enjoyment, happiness, deep sleep
the five powers of the self: those of self-awareness, bliss,
will or desire, knowledge, and action or creation;
the five elements(states of matter): "earth"(solid), "water"(liquid),
"air"(gas), "fire"(plasma), ether (okay they didn't know Einstein)
8 Tad bhumika-ha sarva darsana sthita-aya-ha
That place-of all perspectives fixed -of -it
All philosophies fix upon places within that field.
9 Chid- vat tachchakti sankochat mala- vritaha
consciousness from that power/energy contracted taint-bearing
samsar- i
world-of-suffering member
From consciousness, through the limitation of its energy [one becomes]
an impurity-covered person in the world of suffering.
10 Tatha-api tad- vat pancha krityani karoti
Thus even that like five actions does
Even so, one does the five actions, like That does (namely: creation,
sustenance, destruction, concealment, and grace).
11 Abhasana rakti vimarsana
manifestation relishing experiencing-as-self
bija-vasthapana vilapana- tast-ani
seed-settling dissolution that another
Another interpretation (of the five actions) is manifestation,
relishing, experiencing as self, settling of the seed, and
12 Tada-pari- jnane sva-sakti-bhi-r vya- mohitata
that failing know own-power-s by self-deluded
samsar- i- tvam
world-of-suffering member -ness
To fail to know that these are one's own powers is to be
a self-deluded, suffering human.
13) Tat pari jnane chittam eva antar mukhi bhav -ena
that fully known consciousness itself inward facing attitude-by
chetana para- dhyarohat chiti -hi
pure-consciousness supreme concentrated consciousness only
When consciousness itself fully knows That by means of an
inward facing attitude, fully concentrated consciousness
becomes nothing but pure Consciousness.
14) Chiti -van -hi ravaroha -pada icchanno'pi matraya
consciousness fire only lower state will even merely
meyendhanam plushyati.
maya-covered? burns
The fire of consciousness burns up the forms covering the lower
states by its mere will.
15) Bala -labhe visvam atma -sat karoti
power attained world self truth does
Attaining this power, the truth that the world is the Self is
16) Chid- ananda labhe deha -adi -shu
conscious joy attained body etc. in
-mana -esh -va -api
of-consciousness mind master or even
cha -aik -atmya prati -patti dardhyam jiv -an mukti -hi
and one of-self each experience stable live one free only
Attaining the bliss of consciousness, the mind, even in
the body or anything, has mastery: each experience is one with the
self; this, stably, is nothing but liberation during life.
17) madhya vikasat chid -ananda labhaha
center unfolding consciousness bliss is attained
Unfolding the center attains the bliss of consciousness.
18) vikalpa kshaya sakti sankocha vikasa
thoughts dissolution energy retention stillness
vaha -cche -dady -anta koti nibhalanadaya iha -upaya -ha
wind intent twelve end doing fixation these means are
The means are dissolution of thoughts, retention of energies,
stillness (of breath-energies), fixing the intention of breathing
at the end-space twelve fingers out.
19) Sam -adhi samskarava -ti vyutthane bhuyo bhuyas
together coming after-effect -ed filled ?be? ?be?
chid -aik -ya -marsan -nitya -udita samadhi labhaha
consciousness one -ness examine forever repeated samadhi obtained
Repeatedly examining the oneness of consciousness while filled
with the after-effects of samadhi, samadhi is attained.
20) Tada prakasha -ananda saara maha mantra virya -atma -ka
that light bliss essence great mantra hero self person
purna -aham -ta vesat sada sarva sarga samhara
complete I -ness entered always all emanation reabsorption
kari nija sam -vid devata chakra -isvara -ata
doing ?? with- knowledge deity chakra master -s
praptir- bhav- atiti Sivam
auto- attitude- beyond Siva
With the great mantra, in essence light and bliss, the heroic one
entered (that state) filled with "I", doing all emanation and
reabsorption (of experience) constantly, became master of the
deities of the chakras (the centers of consciousness along the
spine), went beyond all attitudes towards himself, and became Siva.
* The lineage from which the Pratyabhijna Hrdayam came is (according to legend
in some parts and according to scholarship in other parts):
- Shiva, the Divine Self, attributed author of the Shiva Sutras
and before them also of Vijnana Bhairava, Rudrayamala, and other works.
- Vasugupta (~800A.D.), who is said to have written the Shiva Sutras down for Shiva
- Kallata, student of Vasugupta, likely author of the Spanda Sutras,
a.k.a. Spanda Karikas.
- Somananda, student of Vasugupta, author of Shiva Drishti (lost)
- Utpala, student of Somananda, author of the Pratyabhijna Sutras
- Abhinavagupta, author of the Shorter and Longer Commentaries on the
Pratyabhijna Sutras, of Tantrasara, and of "the great
[comprehensive] work, Tantraloka".
- Kshemaraja, student of Abhinavagupta, author of Pratyabhijna Hrdayam.