I tried to minimize the Sanskrit but a few terms got through. Here is
a key:
- aham, 'ham: I
- ananda: bliss
- asana: posture, seat
- bhagavate: to the bestower
- bhava: becoming, experiencing oneself as
- chit: consciousness
- darshan: "sight", a ceremonial time when you encounter the Teacher.
- guru: teacher
- khechari: the sky of consciousness
- mumukshutva: the desire for liberation
- namo, namah: I bow
- om: the primordial sound
- paraa: beyond
- pranaam: bowing down
- sadhana: a lifetime of spiritual practice
- sat, satya: truth
- satsang: spiritual practices done in a group
- shaktipat: a form of spiritual initiation
- shiva: your inner self
- tandra: a conscious, sleep-like state without body or time awareness
For more resources check out the Sanskrit dictionary at Koeln
(Monier-Williams) or Gandhari.org